衝鋒鎗(Submachine gun,縮寫SMG),為自動連發手槍彈的輕型槍械(卡賓)。It combines the automatic fire of a machine gun with the cartridge of a pistol. An assault rifle, in contrast, uses an intermediate-power cartridge with more power than a pistol but les
I'm not the biggest Fallout fan, but I really do like the style of the games. Here's a recreation of the 10mm SMG from Fallout 3 Some textures used have a different license that is not compatible with Blendswap (non-CC) and therefore have to be downloaded separately from my own site...
9mm pistol2 Maria2 10mm pistol2 Weathered 10mm pistol 12.7mm pistol Li'l Devil (GRA)1 Hunting revolver Hunting revolver (GRA) Ranger Sequoia Police pistol1 Silenced .22 pistol1 Unique weapons are listed in bold text. 1 Normal holdout weapon: May be concealed regardless of Sne...
Leather jacket10mm SMG SwitchbladeBooze $54 Stimpak Christopher Wright appears only inFallout 2. References ↑Christopher Wright's character description:"{150}{}{You see a tall young man with a mohawk. He's wearing a lot of chains and leather.}" ...
说明H&K MP9 10mm SMG,废土上最常见的冲锋枪。没优点,除了便宜。标准SMG。 武器名 H&K MP5/STH 射程 18 伤害 +9 弹药 30/30-9mm HC修正 -/B-20 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: 5/5 R:4 特殊- 改造 - 价值:1200 Min. ST: 3 W: 5 说明 这是唯一可加装消音器的SMG,MP5。罕见武器。
This will also be accompanied by a remake of the janky looking F3 10mm smg Share 9 comments Pages 1 GrimDos supporter 32 kudos 20 August 2024, 6:49PM Dat look good! VDS360 supporter 2 kudos 13 August 2024, 10:14PM no way! This is gonna rock! lolwutyyy premium 166 ...
exit_to_appSign out All games Fallout New Vegas Mods Weapons RX Advanced Customizing - 10mm SMG (RU) Endorsements 1 Unique DLs 98 Total DLs 103 Total views 4,161 Version 1.3 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 28 March 202411:09AM ...
<0 or 1> 能量铠甲 (开/关) settagskills # 设置Tag技能点 # addtagskills # 增加指定数目#的技能点player.addperk xxx (xxx)技能代码 player.placeatme 6a772 1 1 1 (随时狗肉)help 列出所有的命令2 武器:32手枪.32 Pistol 0000080A10毫米手枪10mm Pistol 0000434F10毫米冲锋枪10mm Sub Machine gun ...
10mm 冲锋枪 (10mm SMG) 0006E7CC A3-21's 镭射步枪 (A3-21's Plasma Rifle) U 0006B539...
2 信号弹军械库: 10mm SMG 10mm手枪 48 10mm AP子弹 48 10mm JHP子弹 10 燃料单元 2 破片手雷注释马丁为自己唱歌,获选者可以称赞他的歌声以获得少量的业报奖励,也可以反过来嘲笑他。 登场8号避难所仅出现于辐射2。 幕后辐射圣经中提到了该地点。[Non-canon 1][Non-canon 2][Non-canon 3] 8号避难所将在...