露西 Lucy! 我们在哪里 Where are we? 我们在世界上最好的地方 We're in the best place in the world. 我们在一个避难所里 We're in a vault. 银河新闻 避难所科技出品... 大家好 Hello there. 没错 是我 库珀霍华德 活跃于舞台和银幕的大明星 Yep, it's me, Cooper Howard, star of stage and...
Stopit!Dad! 你长得很像你妈妈 Youlooklikeyourmother. 你要带他去哪里 Whereareyoutakinghim? 去真实世界 Totherealworld. 哪天你也该去那里看看 Youshouldseeitsometime. 不要等等 No,wait. 停下 Stop! 停下 Stop!Stop! 也许你们该做你们最擅长的事-住手 ...
Production and filming for the first season took place across New York, New Jersey, Utah and the ghost town of Kolmanskop in the country of Namibia.[7] The series premiered on April 10, 2024. It has been renewed for an upcoming second season,[1] which reportedly began filming in Novemb...
Lucy MacLean: "You know, that's... uh, that's actually completely normal. It happens all the time. Every time, ideally." Maximus: "I'm a knight. Um, a knight of the Brotherhood. We're-we're not supposed to." Lucy MacLean: "Okey dokey." ...
真不错 Sogood. 跟我走谢谢 行为工程学 安全检查站 很好 Yes.Okay. 来看这个 很好 坐 Sit. 坐坐 Sit. 坐 Sit.Sit. 真乖 来睡觉 你喜欢那里吗 Isthatagoodplaceforyou? 烧灼注射器 我没事 It'sokay. 好了来 Come. 进去 快去到床上去 过来狗狗 Whatisthat? 不不不 应急响应 请保持冷静 快走 Go,go...
Ronald Laren: "That's ok, baby. We have plenty of time. You know where to find me when you want some of this."Sierra Petrovita: "Some of what?"Ronald Laren: "He he. That's ok, Sierra. Play hard to get. I love it!"Sierra Petrovita: "Yep, they sure were hard to get, and...
Whereareyoutakinghim? 去真实世界 Totherealworld. 哪天你也该去那里看看 Youshouldseeitsometime. 如果你能带我找到摩尔达弗你就能改变未来 YoucanchangethefutureifyoucanbringmetoMoldaver. 只要带我的头去就够了 Justmyhead. 只有这样你才能把你hearts;爸hearts;爸救出来 ...
Raul Tejada:"She went out to find some food one day.I was sick, so I stayed at our camp. I guess it must have been the beginnings of radiation poisoning.Anyway, it was supposed to be safe, but some raiders happened to pass through where she was scavenging. I won't speak of what ...
it's worn by Vault 33 resident Stephanie Harper (Annabel O’Hagan). And in episode 2, when Lucy arrives at the marketplace that resembles many a town in theFalloutseries, you can spy various businesses — one of which is a barber. In the game, this is where you can change up...
Shootit! 靠 Fuck.Fuck. 救命 Help. 把这个怪物从我身上推开 Getthisfuckingthingoffme. 救命 Help.Helpme. 靠 Oh,fuck. 靠 Oh,fuck.Fuck. 太倒霉了 Fuckthissh... 靠你去哪儿了 Fuck!Wherewereyou? 这个鬼地方 Thisfuckingplace. 总要遇到这些破事 ...