A separate room to the side would be used for monitoring purposes.[91] The latest, fortified airlocks seen only in high-tech areas such as the Commonwealth further iterate on the system. The entry door connects to a retractable catwalk leading into the Vault, monitored by security officers...
Providing any information, walkthroughs, hints, or support on the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale I (or II), Planescape: Torment, or Dark Alliance. Thanks for everybody who sent in tunes - if you have anything that strikes you as a good Fallout fifties ambiance, send it my way at...
Flip assuming he can't walk through it?). Anyway, Flip makes a huge difference to the prison-breaking scenario. He has leather armour and 2 stimpaks, and I see no possibility to get through 50 protected HP and 2 heals with one clip of the 10mm Pistol while being shot at with a ...
and it was obvious that almost no one had devoted much time to playing. They basically tried the game, got frustrated, threw up their hands, and walked away. Our midterm break began the following day, so I told them I expected them to continue playing over the break...
Fix light bleeding through some walls through use of lightboxes Connect Boston Airport Station to the collapsed section of station insideBoston Airport Ruins from "Duty and Dishonor." Lock door behind key inside of Boston Airport Ruins to prevent quest stage skipping. ...
“It's a rough place, but you get used to it. Not the worst place to raise a family.”— Dale Willis remarking on the Boneyard “ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOUR STEPDAUGHTER?!?”— Dale Willis in Catalina Casino to Mason Jeffrey ...
Rad Away is a substance filtered into the body of an irradiated patient. It has the ability of almost instantaneously downing a persons radiation by some 150 points, making striding through a bomb-crater look like a cake-walk. however, because it has been two-hundred years since these helpful...
Goodneighbor was built in and around the remains of Boston's old red light district, Scollay Square. Goodneighbor was founded in the year 2240, by a group of criminals who were banished from Diamond City. Goodneighbor's residents come from every walk of life, and the settlement welcomes anyone...
Click on the spoiler to see a visual walk-through of some of the dialogue options! Spoiler: ShowYour new pets will come to love you (or hate you) based on how you treat them. All newly-tamed pets will be tolerant of you, but no more. But as you spend them with them, feed them...
0136 ToggleCellNode TCNToggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-...