↑Fallout Bible 5:"The Vault Dweller may have wanted to make a clean break from technology after the events of Fallout 1, especially considering his experience in the Vault, at Mariposa, the Glow, the Boneyard, and even at the Brotherhood. The BOS' adherence to technology in many ways is...
tunnels· Marigold station· Meresti Metro station· Meresti service tunnel· Metro access & generator· Metro Central· Metro Junction· Museum station· Northwest Seneca Station· Penn Ave Georgetown Metro· Penn Ave Seward Square Metro· Penn Ave Mall Metro· Presidential metro · Sewer (metro)...
· The Overlook Drive-In· Reclining Groves Resort homes· Red Racer factory· Regulator HQ· Relay tower KX-B8-11· RobCo facility· Robot repair center· Rockbreaker's Last Gas· Rock Creek Caverns· Roosevelt Academy· SatCom Array NN-03d· SatCom Array NW-05a· SatCom Array NW-07c· ...
康斯坦丁要塞i是Capital Wasteland 西北部一個相當大的哨點和ICBM(洲際導彈發射基地)在通訊衛星陣列 NW-05a 和 通訊衛星陣列 NN-03d中間。里外都由保安機器人,大膽先生,腦控機器人 和 保護機器人來把守。 地區里有三個建築 西北部的CO Quarters小屋, 西邊的員工辦公室
Microfusion cells, as the name implies, envelope a tiny fusion generator, allowing for a decent amount of power. These batteries are often used in energy rifles, or for power armor. In rifles, they tend to use their energy rather quickly, only accounting for 12-24 rounds of fire. However...
--- Windmill generator had its material requirements reduced slightly to make it more likely as an entry-level generator. (On a related note.)- The Fusion Generator and Vault-Tec Reactors now require much more Nuclear Material to build, to balance against the usage of Nuclear Material in ...
The font map files have been edited to properly align and resize some fonts. For example, asterisks have been slightly zoomed and moved to the bottom to better fit their role as bullets in the game. The edits have been applied with theDC Font Generator. Thanks to team Disthaven & Aaby!
Robot Repair Facility near Canterbury Commons. West leads to "Enclave Alley" to your left is a door to Ez0n3's My Mansion Trophy Room (locked, do his quest "A House to Die For" for the key). To your right is a drainage grate which ...
The trapper's shack is a shack with a basement in Point Lookout in 2277. It is inhabited by around half a dozen swampfolk. The trapper's shack is the northernmost point in the middle of the "Trapper's Triangle," which stretches between here, the grower's
Jericho's house is located in Megaton, to the left of the main gate, on the walkway near my Megaton house (or the empty house). Contents 1 Layout 2 Notable loot 3 Notes 4 Appearances 5 Gallery Layout A one-floor building with an austere, rough room. The door to the house is locke...