TheSniperperk increases the critical chance to 10*Luck for ranged weapons, but never above 95%. TheSlayerperk increases the critical chance to 100% for melee and unarmed attacks. Fallout 3[] Base Chance[] Luckis the main base factor that determines the chances of a critical strike on an ...
DKS-501 Sniper Rifle 14 - 34 Normal 6 50 .223 FMJ 6 10 $2200 $220:1 Rifle Red Ryder BB Gun 1 - 3 Normal 5 30 BB's 100 5 $200 $40:1 Rifle Jonny's BB Gun 1 - 3 Normal 5 22 BB's 100 5 $200 $40:1 Rifle Red Ryder LE BB Gun 25 Normal 4 32 BB's 100 5 $35...
顺便说一句,各个属性的重要的perk大概都需要6点属性点出来,我认为一个走射击路线的人物per6 agi6就够了,刚好可以出sniper perk,AP太多似乎也没用,因为20级有一个无赖技能回AP,而且你还有一口袋的JET... 另外能量甲不能加属性 能加属性的东西是(我没记错的话) 全套属性人偶,各+1 luck +1 的道具一个,luck...
1 在游戏里按"~"开启控制台,输入完后再按"~"关闭即可modpca 属性名称 #属性名称对应的属性,比如luck,增加#点 (注意的是要分大小写)player.setAV 技能或属性名称 #将名称为"技能或属性名称"的技能或者属性的值设为# 比如 "player.setAV Luck 10" 注意空格哦, "."是句号player.additem 0000000F #增加#数...
Your charisma is increased by 1 and the traders of the Mojave will grant you a +10% discount.- One Way or Another (level 12) (rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE36) (Req: +50 Guns and +50 Explosives)...and you thought all along sniper rifles were the only weapons that could score ...
9.BlackHawk(Fallout 3) Like the standard scoped .44 magnum, Blackhawk is a powerful, accurate sidearm. It deals more damage than a sniper rifle, and holds a single bullet more. It has no recoil when looking down the scope and firing. You obtain the weapon from Agatha (her house can be...
每个Lv1角色(除机器人)都会得到一个起始的Perk。机器人虽然没有特技,但是有“改装”(参见制造和修理一章)。不同的Perk有不同的能力/种族/等级要求。你必须选择适合你情况的特技。Lv1 PerksDie Hard就算在逆境中,你也决不会放弃。当你HP不到最大值的20%时,你会额外得到所有种类的DT5。Ranks: 1First Aid 40...
You might choose a companion based on his/her personality, abilities, and affinity perk. If you want a companion with exceptional close-quarters combat abilities, then you should go for Cait and Danse, while MacCready is the best sniper in the game. ...
I haven't seen anyone rocking a sniper build but hey maybe their on a perch somewhere.Explosives/Heavy GunsExplosives: I use grenades a lot personally but with explosive being a legendary effect for certain ranged weapons it's more common to see that.Missile Launcher: I have not seen too ...