Treasure Hunt is a miscellaneous quest in Fallout 4. Read the note. Travel to the marked location. Retrieve the item mentioned in the note. Throughout the Commonwealth, various corpses of settlers, raiders, and other NPCs can be found. Some of these corp
失败后,仍然可以在敌人的藏身处找到被绑架商人的尸体。 Bugs 如果该任务出现在庇护山丘而且老冰棍接受了该任务,任务标记可能会指向无法互动的双头牛。[已验证] 在某些据点,NPC可能会在无法到达的位置生成。 (for instance,Roger WarwickatWarwick homesteadmight spawn inside the water cistern). This bug is shared...
1、天鹅与主教冠(Swan & Mitre)【任务代码:Folon_GW101或071C76B4】首先,任务提示“(可选)调查泰晤士港后拜访流浪者”。来到格林威治站(Greenwich Station)南边流浪者(Vagabonds)的营地(Camp),找到这个帮派的首领塞巴斯蒂安·冈特(Sebastian Gaunt)、穿格子西装的"冷静"温斯顿("Chill" Winston)和穿条纹西装额头插着...
1. 决不许在笼子外面打架;2. 没钱不许进门;3. 不许闲逛,不许乞讨。违规者吃枪子儿,也许更糟。一进门,就会发现两个因为违反规矩,而被锁进牢笼的掠夺者(Raiders)。进入竞技场,就会看到凯特(Cait)又一次赢得了胜利。汤米解说时,看到了玩家进入会场,虽然提醒了玩家赶紧离开,但玩家还是会与掠夺者(Raiders)发生...
The farm is one of many that Ack-Ack, the leader of a gang of raiders holed up inside a nearby Satellite Station, regularly preys upon.[Non-game 1] By the time the Sole Survivor reaches Abernathy farm, one of these shakedowns has turned violent, resulting in Mary's death.[1][Non-...
Unfortunately, it—and the entire southwestern part of the New Vegas conurbation—has been taken over by a large force of Raiders calling themselves the Fiends. They are unexceptional in every way, but there are a slew of them. The vault itself is wide-open, practically being a feral den...
Football gear appears to have varied in design, with 1930s-era football gear still in use by high schools inAppalachia,[5]and more modern designs being utilized byCaesar's Legionandraiders.[6][7] The only information on the Super Bowl inFalloutcomes from theSierra Depot GNN transcript, whic...
Note: Hunter's Warning- it shows location of Pleasant Valley Cabins - Raiders Camp. Plan: Light Metal Arms 024Hillfolk Hotdogs Small trailer part with Cooking Station 025Poseidon Power Substation PX-01 Scorcheds infested power sub station ...
Some ardent defenders of the Fallout series - let's call them Fallout traditionalists - have a beef with Fallout 3 and the RPG they fear it will be: non-isometric, non-turn-based, sans dialogue trees, simplified (i.e. dumbed down) SPECIAL system, and a d