FIDO1 Minigun CZ57 Avenger Shoulder mounted machine gun Unique weapons are listed with bold text. 1 Scoped by default.Energy weapons“Energy weapons are less common and varied than guns, but have a small number of ammunition types and can be quite potent.”— Fallout: New Vegas loading...
In the Amazon series, the minigun appears several times, mounted to the side of the Brotherhood of Steel's Vertibirds and nestled within the machinery of the Enclave's automatic turrets.These uses are both very faithful to the games, though the design is modeled after the gun'sFallout 4appe...
Strong is a super mutant residing in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. He is a possible companion of the Sole Survivor. Like every other super mutant found in the Commonwealth, Strong was created by the Institute through their experiments with a modified st
Many of the heavy weapons for this build will do just fine, but some weapons are better for specific scenarios. The Flamer is best in shorter ranges and boss damage, the Plasma caster for ammo cost-effectiveness with good damage, the .50 caliber machine gun for general use, and the mini...
I've been busting out the power armor and mini-gun when I find particularly well-armed groups of raiders and super mutants. The hoarder in me wants to save them for later, but I keep finding more fusion cores, so why not? I am running low on 5mm rounds for the minigun, but I jus...
Their main weapons are either R91 or Type 93 assault rifles, AER9 laser rifle, or the CZ53 personal minigun.[121] The campaign against the Enclave and the eventual victory, unlike the campaign against the super mutants, has provided the Brotherhood with a fresh supply of advanced technology...
While capable of dealing a massive amount of ballistic damage in a short period of time, the Minigun needs a moment to "spin up" before it can be fired. While capable of dealing a devastating amount of energy damage in a short period of time, the Laser Gatling needs a moment to "spin...
The Outcasts stood firm, one of their number armed with a minigun while the rest fired with assault rifles and laser rifles. Three Badlanders were cut down in the initial salvo, but the Badlander bike assault left one of their number dead, a Chinese Officer Sword driven through his throat ...
文件:FO4MinigunTurret.png 固定旋转机枪:可以通过控制台指令生成,但无法在工房中建造。需要一名居民操作,可以提高定居点10点防御值。Acts as a container with 100 5mm rounds. There are problems with the axes of the model making it difficult to place it such that it can fire. ...
I feel that it provides a broader range of build diversity, creativity in perks, and that it generally makes sense - knowing how to pull the pin on a grenade and throw it doesn't translate into knowing how to use a Grenade Machinegun, the skillset required to fire a 9mm Pistol wouldn...