尤利西斯 是一名信使,以前是凯撒军团密探。2281年, 他是维克托雇佣[3],向赌城运送包裹的6名邮差之一。不过他本人却神秘失踪了,运送白金筹码的任务,也落到了主角信使的身上。 他是孤独之路的主要反派. 尤利西斯曾是卷发部落的一员。卷发部落是亚利桑那一只强大的部族,部
It's in our nature to want to forget truths that keep us awake at night. And for that reason it's all the more important that the Followers walk the wastes to remind people of them."(Ignacio Rivas' dialogue) ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{What do you worship?}"Nicole: "{111}...
The presidential metro is a network of pre-war metro tunnels that connected various government buildings in the DC area, including the White House, the Capitol building and Adams Air Force Base. It was added to Fallout 3 in the Broken Steel add-on. It co
These are games where you can walk in almost any direction, over any horizon, pick up almost any object and look at it. The scope of the games is breathtaking and ambitious. With all the games, it's also part of what Todd Howard does in everything that he works on, just these massi...
自由至尊 (英文:Liberty Prime ,被再次重造后称作自由至尊MKII[1]) 是独一无二的美軍机器人。它高40英尺(12.19米),全副武装,加上强大的激光眼武器和战术核弹,使它成为主要的作战资产。 自由至尊会被钢铁兄弟会发现并投入工作。它的完全修复归功于李·麦蒂森博士的协助
They just walk right into people's homes in the middle of the day and take them. But the man you're looking for is Bryce Anders. Anders was trying to find the leader, Motor-runner. You hear something like a chainsaw, you've found Motor-runner. Put a bullet in his head, and you...
Seriously, I might actually play this game even if I was completely unable to interact with anyone or anything, just to walk around and look at this world. The graphics really bring it all to life; walking through the forest, sun beams coming through the trees- it's really brilliant. 6...
Literally when you walk to make one quest, you come back with 3 or 4 more to do. Later some of them were more like "fetch" quests, but there are plenty of interesting one. I loved weapon / armor crafting, house building stuff was OK but nothing more. There are tons upon a tons ...
Walkthrough[edit]New Kaineng City (open world)Upon fleeing the Yong Reactor in the previous episode, you find yourself washed up in the far northwest corner of New Kaineng City. Listen to the dialogue, then take Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint— [&BCANAAA=] and make your way to the instance ...
Ifyouvegotac-c-clogthatsfullofmuck, 艾巴索清洁剂帮你轻松疏通 trustAbraxoDrainingFluidt-t-togetitunstuck. 本产品毒性非常大 Itsv-v-verypoisonous. 好吧你可以离开这里 Okay,youcanwalkoutofhere. 不仅要放了我 Notjustme. 还要放了他们 Them,too. ...