Master Trader需求:魅力6,60%交易,商人的物品售价-25 Action boy需求:敏捷6,在V.A.T.S.中的行动点数上限增加25。Grim reaper’s spirit需求:无,杀死敌人后,只要关闭V.A.T.S.,AP即回满。这样投入16点perk后,还有3点给你加属性 技能:前期为了开个好头,可以先投入在开锁,科学,爆破...
通关心得 1 7个基本属性(Attributes)分别是 S.P.E.C.I.A.L.,(Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck) 各属性最高10点 开始时可以把一些属性从5点降到1点再加去其他属性 Strength 每加1点 +10负重(Wg), +2 Melee Weapons, 和一点点近战伤害, 个人觉得...
5 技能:Action Boy 00031D90Action Girl 0007B200Adv. Rad Poison. 00032DEFAgility Boost 000630F1Alcohol Withdrawal 0006AA60Ant Senses 000C2527Ant Strength 000C2526Atomization 0005B141Average Water 00000147Bad Water 00045656Barkskin 0006F590Barter Boost 000630F3Better Rivet City Prices 0006F592Big Guns ...
Intelligence 这个是最重要的了, 建议一上来就加满, 每加1点不但+2 Medicine, +2 Repair, +2 Science(这3个都是重要技能), 而且以后每升一级可以获得额外的1点Skill. Agility 也相当重要, 提高Small Guns和Sneak技能, 还可以增加AP, 前期主要就是靠Small Guns和VASTS来杀敌, 省时又省弹. 同样为了出Sniper...
2年没动老滚5设置的事忘得一干二净就是ini文件下[General]一格[General]bGamepadEnable=1bPipboyCompanionEnabled=0iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0uGridsToLoad=5修改数值-1-》0可以得到 杀死无敌npc等效果 求教怎么把主角改成只跪不躺的状态?
Level 9Better Criticals·Demolition Expert·Dodger·Explorer·Karma Beacon·Light Step·Master Trader·Mutate!·Mysterious Stranger·Pyromaniac·Sharpshooter·Speaker Level 12Action Boy·Cult of Personality·Gain (Statistic)·HtH Evade·Lifegiver·Living Anatomy·Master Thief·Medic·Mr. Fixit·Tag!·Weapon...
players as a vault dweller experiencing the outside world. Factions like the Brotherhood of Steel, Raiders, and The Enclave all play a significant role. Lucy comes face-to-face with Radroaches and Gulpers. And of course, the series gets a lot of use out of the games’ iconic Pip-Boy....
In the living quarter there is a skeleton clutching a 10mm pistol laying on the bunk bed on the right (if your facing the table) of where you get the pre war book and stealth boy. Fort Constantine may be named after General Constantine Chase (From Operation Anchorage add-on)who is also...
15.Action boy 在V.A.T.S.中的行动点数上限增加25。 16.Better criticals 你的致命一击伤害增加50% 17.Concentrated fire 当你在V.A.T.S.中命中敌人某一身体部分后,继续攻击这一部分的命中率会提升。 18.Robotics expert 你对机器人的伤害增加25%。更重要的是,现在你成功地潜行到敌对的机器人身边时,可以...
Maybe I've become too cynical, too soft in my old age, but I wish I could give the boy a more normal childhood. Ironic, considering his upbringing is so much like my own. Maybe that's what scares me. Sarah's BirthdayI mustn't forget Sarah's birthday this year. Perhaps I'll send...