Sat, Nov 11, 2-5pm: Double-knitting Further Off the Grid Sun, Nov 12, 2-5pm: Advanced Double-knitting Texture These are not currently on my calendar but will be soon; for now, the direct links above are the easiest way to get to the workshop pages. If you’re interested in taking...
Falling Mass Impact Test Performance on Functionally Graded Two Stage Aggregate Fibrous Concrete Nandhu Prasad 1 , Gunasekaran Murali 1,* and Nikolai Vatin 2 1 School of Civil Engineering, SASTRA Deemed to be University, Thanjavur 613401, India; 2 Peter the Great St....
I knew I needed to make some changes so I can stop hearing myself complain about going to bed late and stop getting distracted by things in my bedroom.
Happy birthday to our favorite pop-punk hunk! byElena Childers BuzzFeed News Reporter Say hello to Fall Out Boy, the pop-punk band that helped you get through your adolescence.