拼接树叶图案需要先做三角拼接,每个图案需要4个三角拼接,即一共7个图案需要28个三角拼接 一个三角拼接的做法:一片2 1/2英寸白色背景布沿对角线对折并熨烫。对折后的白色背景布和放在一片2 1/2英寸正方形花布上,正面相对,车缝对折的折线,留下1/4英寸缝份,裁去多余部分,打开熨烫 树叶柄的做法: 一片2 1/2英...
thinking I could cry unnoticed in the dark. But then one, then two friends found me and took turns pulling me into their softness, wrapping me in such tenderness, weaving low and soothing sounds around us until out of love and touch and voice they made of the moment a nest. So gently ...