Studiocanal has launched an official trailer for their upcoming action series called Paris Has Fallen, streaming in France first this fall. This is a TV continuation of the "Has Fallen" franchise of movies - which includes Olympus Has Fallen (2013), London Has Fallen (2016), Angel Has Fallen...
Samurai, based on a series of popular young-adult novels, centers on a 19-year-old Japanese girl named Heaven (Jamie Chung) who discovers that the wealthy businessman who adopted her as an infant is really the head of the Yakuza (the Japanese mafia) and had her beloved brother brutally ...
Jon Lonngren Discusses The Upcoming NEW... 1513 days ago0 comments Media GameCredits Who’s Who – Jon Lonngren – Co-Owner of Fallen Dominion Studios This Monday series will take a personal look into... 2032 days ago0 comments Media ...
This upcoming action RPG from Deck13 hadn’t crossed my radar at all, meaning I went in almost blind with no idea what to expect. Having recently completed Horizon: Forbidden West, I feared that my appetite for open-world environments had been sated. Fortunately, At...
Atlas Fallenis also a ‘Soulslite’. Souls-ish staples like respawning enemies, a rechargeable Estus flask-style healing idol, Bonfire-alikes to save or upgrade your gear, and challenging (but not brutal) encounters, will make it feel like a Soulslike, but in reality, it’s more than that...
Everything in the Helldivers 2 Urban Legends Warbond Where to find all Serpent's Chest keys in Indiana Jones How to complete the Sanctuary of the Guardians in Indiana Jones All Marvel Rivals upcoming characters, heroes and villains Marvel Rivals Assemble code explained and how to use itGAME...
Trivia Like in Carter Corp. and Mystery Spell, the player will choose either of the two men which is the same fashion as in the respective games as explained above. The player's role as a demon hunter is a blend between theDevil May Crygame series and the infamous TV series,Buffy: The...
Her most recent role is the lead in the Swedish film, A Day and a Half, directed by Fares Fares which is currently streaming on Netflix. This thriller centers on woman who is kidnapped by her former husband. Upcoming is a major part in Pirjo Honkasalo’s Orenda. ...
Via Entertainment Earth (@EntEarth on Twitter), we have our first look on what may be an upcoming Studio Series Drift figure sporting his movie accurate paint job from Transformer: The Last Knight. Also, this version of Drift looks to come with a mini version of Dinobot Strafe as seen on...
Mark tries to talk to Ruby but Anna interrupts her to say everyone wants to hear from her instead and says that slamming her head into the ring post last week was the best thing she’s done. Ruby says she liked Anna but she’s just another little shit and asks that she leaves her ...