《堕天使-Fallen Angels》,李宛,年下 情有独钟 虐恋情深 打脸,主角:艾丝莉,廖伽卿,崔涵宇,南赫尘 ┃ 配角:梁文野,Kevin(陈凯文),Suri(苏芮),Richard(蔡灿),何希欣 ┃ 其它:GL,BL,BG|最新更新:2021-04-25 19:07:00|作品积分:9233550
《FALLEN ANGELS·天使开启堕落模式》,亚克力兽化犬,《FALLEN ANGELS·天使开启堕落模式》之自白,主角:宫野志保,灰原哀,羽生律也 ┃ 配角:江户川柯南,少年侦探团,琴酒 ┃ 其它:,|最新更新:2023-07-23 01:54:48|作品积分:634049
Fallen Angels book 3: A New HomeAna Star
The myth is elaborated in more detail in theBook of Enoch, a Jewish apocalyptic work that is not part of the biblical canon. The Book of Enoch names the leader of the fallen angels as Azazel and describes how he taught humans various arts of civilization, such as metallurgy, cosmetics, as...
Valmore Daniels
Are rebellious, fallen angels masquerading as aliens and UFOs today? In this book, Rick Renner - historian and Bible teacher with extensive knowledge of New Testament Greek - clears up some rampant erroneous theories while uncovering brand-new revelations from the Bible. He uses archae...
Lane, Margaret
The Fallen Angels in the Book of Enoch ReconsideredDacy, Marianne
Angel Tears (Fallen Angels - Book 4)Valmore Daniels
Earth Angel (Fallen Angels - Book 3)Valmore Daniels