Stats from current PR Default Build(Increase detected⚠️) GeneralOverall increase⚠️ Client Bundles (main, webpack) Legacy Client Bundles (polyfills) Client Pages Client Build Manifests Rendered Page Sizes Edge SSR bundle Size Middleware size Next Runtimes build cacheOverall increase⚠️ Di...
Client Build Manifests vercel/next.js canaryvercel/next.js ijjk/cleanup-invalid-defaultChange _buildManifest.js gzip749 B749 B✓ Overall change749 B749 B✓ Rendered Page Sizes vercel/next.js canaryvercel/next.js ijjk/cleanup-invalid-defaultChange ...
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adjustResize"><intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/><category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/></intent-filter></activity></application></manifest> build.gradle 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0
JSON 复制 { "scopes": [ "", "vso.code_write", "vso.build_execute" ], "demands": [ "api-version/3.0" ], "contributions": [ { "id": "showCommits", "type": "ms.vss-web.action", "description": "Adds a menu action from builds grid to show associated items.", "...
updateToImport - The update to be imported (see schema for details). requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it. Returns: the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of ...
Returns a cloud specific manifest JSON file. abstract Response<CloudManifestFileResponse> getWithResponse(String verificationVersion, String versionCreationDate, Context context) Returns a cloud specific manifest JSON file. abstract CloudManifestFileResponse list() Return...
- If the deserialized JSON object was missing any required properties. getArchitecture public ArtifactArchitecture getArchitecture() Get the architecture property: CPU architecture. Returns: the architecture value.getDigest public String getDigest() Get the digest prop..., isBuild, logger ) const resolvedBuildOptions = resolveBuildOptions(, logger) // resolve cache directory const pkgPath = lookupFile(resolvedRoot, [`package.json`], { pathOnly: true }) 0 comments on commit f7021e3 Please sign in to comment. Footer...