因果的谬误(fallacy of false cause):很多教科书翻成fallacy of false “course”,完全都是翻错然后互相抄袭,真令人感叹。顾名 … blog.yam.com|基于6个网页 2. 错认因果之谬误 错认因果之谬误」(Fallacy of False Cause),是将「相似」看为「相缘」,或将顺序(sequence)当作后果(consequence)。譬如… ...
One of the most common fallacies is the fallacy of false cause, which occurs when a person incorrectly assumes that oneevent caused another event solely because they happened consecutively. For example, seeing a person wearing a red shirt win a race might lead someone to believe that wearing re...
AMOROSO, SANDRA L.Fides et Historia
noun The fallacy of false cause, arising when, in making a reductio ad absurdum, besides the proposition to be refuted, some other false premise is introduced. noun The fallacy of many interrogations in which two or more questions are so proposed that they appear to be but one: as, “Ha...
(5)The fallacy of false cause mislocates the cause of one phenomenon in another that is only seemingly related. The most common version of this fallacy, called "post hoc, ergo propter hoc", mistakes temporal sequence for causal connection--as when a misfortune is attributed to a "malign ...
(5)The fallacy of false cause mislocates the cause of one phenomenon in another that is only seemingly related. The most common version of this fallacy, called "post hoc, ergo pr 15、opter hoc", mistakes temporal sequence for causal connection-as when a misfortune is attributed to a "...
(5)The fallacy of false cause mislocates the cause of one phenomenon in another that is only seemingly related. The most common version of this fallacy, called "post hoc, ergo propter hoc", mistakes temporal sequence for causal connection--as when a misfortune is attributed to a "malign ...
12. False Cause Fallacy(谬误的原因) 这种谬误是基于错误的因果关系。例如: '我戴了幸运帽子,所以我赢了比赛。' 13. Fallacy of Sunk Costs(沉没成本谬误) 这种谬误是基于已经投入的资源来支持继续投入的决策。例如: '我们已经投入了太多的时间和金钱,所以我们必须继续做下去。' 14. False Analogy Fallacy(伪类...
An example of it is that of the fallacy of false cause. It implies claiming a correlation between objects despite the absence of any real relationship. The most common form of this is called post hoc fallacy, which is explained below. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy The fallacy implies ...