The meaning of FALLACY OF DIVISION is a fallacy in which a term taken collectively is used as if taken distributively.
Fallacy of composition Fallacy of division False cause fallacy False dichotomy False dilemma fallacy False equivalence fallacy Genetic fallacy Hasty generalization fallacy Logical fallacies Motte and Bailey fallacy Naturalistic fallacy Non sequitur fallacy No true Scotsman fallacy Post hoc fallacy Red herring ...
The meaning of FALLACY OF COMPOSITION is the fallacy of arguing from premises in which a term is used distributively to a conclusion in which it is used collectively or of assuming that what is true of each member of a class or part of a whole will be tr
词项的结合(Composition)以偏概全,例:“轮胎由橡胶制成,轮胎属于车,因此车也由橡胶制成。 词项的分离[3](Division): 亚里士多德给出了数字5的谬误作为例子:5由2和3组成。2是偶数,3是奇数,所以5既是偶数也是奇数。[4] 重音谬论:在亚里士多德时代,书面希腊语中没有重音;因此,这种谬论更可能出现在书写过程中...
At a wider societal level, resorting to either-or fallacies in public discourse can lead to polarization and division. Presenting a false dichotomy can be a persuasive tactic to manipulate people into accepting a particular viewpoint. Either-or fallacy examples ...
You assumed that one part of something has to be applied to all, or other, parts of it; or that the whole must apply to its parts.