What Is the Appeal-to-Authority Fallacy? home▸fallacies▸Appeal-to-Authority Fallacy The Quick Answer In Critical Thinking, the appeal-to-authority fallacy is unquestioningly adopting the same position as an expert. The appeal-to-authority fallacy, also known as argument from authority, is ...
The appeal to authority fallacy is thelogical fallacyof saying a claim is true simply because an authority figure made it. This authority figure could be anyone: an instructor, a politician, a well-known academic, an author, or even an individual with experience related to the claim’s subjec...
7、权威谬论 Appeal to authority 8、两难推理/假两难 False dilemma 9、从众谬论 Bandwagon fallacy 10、诉诸无知 Appeal to ignorance 11、循环论证 Circular argument 12、沉没成本谬误 Sunk cost fallacy 13、因果谬误 Causal fallacy 14、诉诸同情 Appeal to pity 15、诉诸伪善 Appeal to hypocrisy / tu quoqu...
2. Appeal to Authority Fallacy(权威谬误) 这种谬误是基于权威人士的观点而不是事实或逻辑来支持某个观点。例如: '我的医生说这种药是最好的,所以我会服用它。' 3. Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy(无知谬误) 这种谬误是基于缺乏证据来证明某个事情或观点是正确的,或者缺乏证据来证明它是错误的。例如: '没有人...
Types of Appeal to Authority There are three ways the authority can be incorrect. 1. Not an Authority at All The authority could, firsty, not be an authority at all. Therefore, they do not lend anycredibility or weightto the conclusion. This is similar to thegenetic fallacy. ...
Appeal to authority fallacy example “My favorite actor, who starred in that movie about a virus that turns people into zombies, said in an interview that genetically modified crops caused COVID-19. So I think that’s what really happened.” ...
5、诉诸权威 Appeal to authority Appeal to appropriate authority is not a fallacy. 诉诸正确的权威并不是逻辑谬论 It is a fallacy when you appeal to wrong or inappropriate authority.诉诸错误或不当权威的时候才产生谬论 其实在我们工作和生活中遇到问题时,会经常请教相关领域的专家或者学者,这些都不是逻辑...
(6) 诉诸权威(Appeal to Authority) (7)后此谬误(Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc) (8)诉诸无知(Personal Incredulity) (9) 非此即彼(False Dilemma) (10)举证责任(Burden of Proof) (11)红鲱鱼(Red Herring) (12) 没有真正的苏格兰人(No True Scotsman) ...
When is the appeal to authority a fallacy? Why is the appeal to authority fallacy convincing? Magedah Shabo Magedah is the author of Rhetoric, Logic, & Argumentation and Techniques of Propaganda and Persuasion. She began her career in the educational publishing industry and has over 15 years ...
诉诸权威(Appeal to Authority) 错谬〔一〕:诉诸讨论的范畴以外的权威人士。 例子:经济学家都认为爱因斯坦的相对论是不可能的。 错谬〔二〕:诉诸权威人士的个人意见。 例子:罗局长说:“学生是政府的政策下最大得益者,所以学生无权批评领导人” 解释:学生是政府的政策下最大得益者只是罗局长的说话,事实上学生是否...