Winter gardening is especially easy if you live in a very hot climate, like zone 9b where I live (includes parts of southwestern United States), where it’s almost too hot and too much work to keep things thriving in June – August. It’s easy for me to grow in the fall and winter...
they just winter kill and they flop down dead like a mulch, in place, which also looks sort of nice because it’s got these tawny stems just lying on the ground. And in the spring, I could plant right into them, but what I prefer to do is just ...
I don’t know about you, but summer is not optimal gardening time where I live. Fall, on the other hand, is glorious. The weather cools down, the social activities resume, and with all the comings and goings, there is no better time togive the fall garden a bit of a makeover. She...
Fall can feel like a welcome respite after a busy summer season full of vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Even so, some of us can’t help but try to keep the garden bursting with life for just a little longer. Here are some simple fall gardening tasks you can do this season and in fu...
In Edibles/ Gardening Vegetables to Plant in August for Fall & Winter Harvests [dropcap]D[/dropcap]uring the August months, you might start to notice your garden looks like a jungle. There are so many things blooming and ready to… Continue Reading →...
Row cover is the best way to extend the season and to protect your crops without purchasing a greenhouse. It is also called garden fabric, or floating row covers. You’re basically making a mini greenhouse right over a garden bed in your garden. Row cover will make your fall gardening a...
Fall gardening tips discussed at seminar on SaturdayDebbie Kelley
Fall GardeningFallGardeningLawn CareMaintenanceCompostingGarden TypesOutdoor RoomsVegetable GardeningGarden Styles and TypesWinter GardeningPlanting and MaintenanceWinterContainer Gardening Image courtesy of Felder Rushing Tuscan kale can be planted in the fall, and is actually sweeter after a frost or freeze...
The article presents tips for gardening success during fall in Texas. In soil preparation, old plants and weeds must be removed, after which, the soil must be turned over. Compost must be spread over the soil surface before mixing the soil. Fall planting begins in June with winter squash an...
Ground Rules: 3 Smart Gardening Chores to Do in the Winter This is part of a series with Perfect Earth Project, a nonprofit dedicated to toxic-free, nature-based gardening, on how you can be more sustainable in your landscapes at home. After weeks of hot, muggy weather, the temperatures...