8 Comparison of the appearance of reflex motion versus rotation. a–c, Our reflex motion model, projected onto the (ℓ, b) plane in vlos, vℓ, vb. Velocities in each panel have been normalized to units of vtravel. d–f, A rotation model, with magnitude vϕ, projected onto the ...
qualitative works have generally focused on China’s development impact on host countries.Footnote3To bring inter-state relations into the study of Chinese FDI and weak institutions, I conduct a within-case comparison of Chinese FDI in the Philippines during the administrations of Gloria Macapagal ...
This is a much more useful endeavor for an activist versus marching because a crowd marching and chanting a single phrase is nonsensical in comparison with allowing those harmed by conflict and other human evils to express their sorrows and to call out for the unique type of help that can s...
Collecting data in the same period as TTS would facilitate a direct comparison of travel behaviour between the COVHITS and TTS datasets. Secondly, rigid restrictions on participating in out-of-home activity should not be in place during the data collection period. In other words, the study area...
Zuiderwijk, A. and Janssen, M. 2014,Open data policies, their implementation and impact: A framework for comparison,Government Information Quarterly(31) 17–29. Below are resources related to the topics in the readings. TV Show:Law & Order Special Victims Unit, Season 12 Episode 3,Behave. ...
suggesting that a power struggle had occurred in the Kremlin. Andropov maneuvered his way into power both through his KGB connections and by gaining the support of the military by promising not to cut defense spending. For comparison, some of his rivals, such as Konstantin Chernenko, were skep...
As mentally and emotionally exhausting as it was for me to travel in Egypt, I can’t actually bring myself to tell anyone that they shouldn’t go. The sights are quite literally old as time; the food is incredible. The buildings, textiles, and people are more stunning that you could ...
In any case, the road test produced a furor.Car and Driverreceived angry letters about it for years afterward, but Davis and Wangers were unrepentant. The controversy did exactly what they wanted it to: It sold magazines and it sold GTOs. (Car and Driverwould revisit the comparison test ...