In this context, it is not surprising that fall detection systems (FDSs) built on wearable devices have attracted great interest from the scientific community in the field of telemedicine and remote monitoring of biosignals. In contrast with context-aware and video-based alternatives, systems based...
Heart rate sensor node analysis for designing internet of things telemedicine embedded system. Cogent Eng. 2017, 4, 1306152. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Vikneswaran, S. Elder monitoring using gsm and gps with an enhanced fall detection system. Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng. 2015, 4, 409...
Keywords: fall risk assessment;cloud computing;WEB application;RGB-D sensor;e-health;telemedicine
fall risk; telemedicine; early diagnosis; RGB-D sensor; automation; gait; balance; tests; elderly; digital transformation of health systems1. Introduction The world is experiencing an increase in life expectancy. This brings with it the growth of the number of older people (60 years or more) ...
Fall Detection Systems (FDSs) based on wearable technologies have gained much research attention in recent years. Due to the networking and computing capabilities of smartphones, these widespread personal devices have been proposed to deploy cost-effective wearable systems intended for automatic fall dete...