In one scenario, for which the IRS has already sent several warnings, a scammer will use your Social Security number to file a tax return in your name and then claim the refund. The biggest red flag in this scam is being pressured to act quickly. In actuality, the IRS will give you t...
Returnees lost the future they had imagined as reward for their migration. For some life turned out well, but for many it was worse than they had imagined. Many returnees lost their goods, their social standing, their job security, and the wages which they had thought they had been ...
Authorities warned of a potential virus resurgence tied to holiday traveling, saying they could tighten the restrictions if the number of new cases continues to increase. “The number of patients has been rising as more people received testing (for COVID-19) after the Lunar New Year holiday,”...
Checking In; With fewer people flying and heightened security nationwide, what can travelers in the U.S. expect this fall? To find out, we played tourist at four popular destinations.John Deiner
While I understand the reason for this sort of behaviour, this security breach and blatant invasion of privacy is infuriating and unsettling. So this is where I’m at a loss for what to tell you. As mentally and emotionally exhausting as it was for me to travel in Egypt, I can’t ...