1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/adultfalls.html, accessed 10/11/17 ConnectiCare, Inc. is an HMO/HMO-POS plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in ConnectiCare depends on contract renewal.Recent...
An estimated six out of 10 falls happen in the home, which is why it’s wise to bring in an outside expert to do a thorough safety evaluation of the residence. If you decide to do this type of assessment on your own, use a formal checklist—like this one from the CDC—to guide ...
The CDC'sonline decision-making checklistcan be helpful in pointing you to the variables that matter most and measuring your comfort level (a.k.a. lack of anxiety). This can help you highlight places where anxiety still lurks. If you are still feeling unclear where your key concerns lie...
The coronavirus pandemic is making preparation for the school year a challenge. Get the latest information from health and education officials here.
Available online: https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/adultfalls.html (accessed on 10 March 2021). Berg, R.L.; Cassells, J.S. Falls in older persons: Risk factors and prevention. In The Second Fifty Years: Promoting Health and Preventing Disability; National Academies Press:...