Correction to: Fall risk is related to cognitive functioning in ambulatory multiple sclerosis patientsCOGNITIVE abilityMULTIPLE sclerosisELECTRONIC publicationsPublisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. The original article...
Fall risk-related variables of importance for the fall rate model development were mainly recorded during the two follow-up visits. These included age, body mass index, short physical performance battery, hand grip strength, one-legged stance test, activity level, Charlson’s comorbidity index, the...
Define Fallout risk. Fallout risk synonyms, Fallout risk pronunciation, Fallout risk translation, English dictionary definition of Fallout risk. v. fell , fall·en , fall·ing , falls v. intr. 1. To drop or come down freely under the influence of gravity
Falls are a common but serious problem in older adults, and may lead to fractures and bleeding. As many factors, such as medication, aging, and comorbid diseases may simultaneously affect fall-related adverse events (AEs) in older adults, we evaluated th
Participants wear a wearable measurement device and perform a 10-m walking test, from which we extract 50 features related to linear and nonlinear gait parameters for fall risk prediction in two cohorts. The first cohort comprises 171 community-dwelling older adults with known fall information ...
Risk of Fall-Related Injuries Associated with Antidepressant Use in Elderly Patients: A Nationwide Matched Cohort Study Previous studies have reported a higher risk of falls among tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) users compared to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) ... YS Jung,D Suh,DC Choi...
The direct-care costs of fall related-injuries and fatalities in 2015 was approximately $50.0 billion per year in the United States alone69. As such, predicting fall risk is imperative to provide an amenable intervention, however rates of falls resulting in injury have not been reported to have...
Objective To investigate the incidence of fall and related risk factors among patients with dementia.Methods 121 dementia patients were divided into fall and no fall groups to compare the scores of MMSE,CDR,ADL,NPI and UPDRS were compared between the two groups.The relationship between fall and ...
We aimed to develop and externally validate an interpretable machine learning-based fall-related injury (FRI) prediction model using claims database especially focusing on extensive range of medications. Using this tool, we expect to identify patients at high risk for FRIs and to provide medication ...
Today, the health care sector has no test for early age-related deterioration in physical ability. The aim of this study was to evaluate questionnaires, videos and physical tests whose task will be to identify early markers related to an increased fall risk in middle-aged people. If the ...