Fall-risk assessment and management in clinical practice: Views from healthcare providers. Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 52, 1522-1526.Fortinsky RH, Iannuzzi‐Sucich M, Baker DI, Gottschalk M, King MB, Brown CJ, et al. Fall‐Risk Assessment and Management in Clinical Practice: Views...
评估过程简单,完成该量表约耗时2~3分钟,应用广泛。 老年人跌倒风险评估工具(Fall Risk Assessment Tool,FRA):该量表包括对运动、跌倒史、精神不稳定状态、自控能力、感觉障碍、睡眠状况、用药史和相关病史等8个方面共计35个条目的评估,每个条目得为0~3分,总分53...
Assessment and management of fall risk in primary care settings. Med Clin North Am. 2015;99(2):281–93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcna.2014.11.004. (in Eng). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Tinetti ME, Speechley M, Ginter SF. Risk factors for falls among elderly ...
Risk factors for falling have been identified and interventions to improve these risk factors have been found to reduce fall rates by more than 30% . However, medical students (MSs) are frequently not instructed on fall risk assessment and management. During the 2007-2008 academic year third ...
Effect of a multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk assessment and management program on gait and balance performances and disability in hospitalized older a... This controlled intervention study in hospitalized oldest old adults showed that a multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk assessment and management ...
Doughty K. Fall prevention and Management strategies based on intel- ligent detection monitoring and assessment. New Technol Med Elderly; 2000(November) [Charing Cross Hospital].K. Doughty, "Fall prevention and management strategies based on intelligent detection, monitoring and assessment," in New...
Effect of a multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk assessment and management program on gait and balance performances and disability in hospitalized older a... Summary This controlled intervention study in hospitalized oldest old adults showed that a multifactorial fall-and-fracture risk assessment and man...
一、Management Ranking 1️⃣第一类专业: ✅MSc International Business and Management ✅MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management ✅MSc Marketing ✅MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis List组成:共计51所院校,统一要求90分或GPA4.0 ...
香港科技大学-MSc in Engineering Enterprise Management G同学 东莞理工学院 环境工程 录取学校: 澳门大学-MSc in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering) 格拉斯哥大学-MSc Environmental Futures: Sustainable Systems ...
Objective To discuss the relationship between fall risk and psychological efficiency in elderly inpatients.Methods The Johns Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment Tool(Chinese vision) and Modified Falls Efficacy Scale were used to evaluate 105 hospitalized elderly patients.Results The fall risk score of elderly in...