Fall Prevention in Older AdultsShaughnessy, Allen F.American Family Physician
An important cause of falls in the older adults is the presence of sarcopenia. Sarcopenia can be related to a food decline, a long hospital stay, and/or a long illness. Generally, older adults have a decrease in mass volume and coordination, with phenotypic changes, such as selective loss ...
Preventing and Managing Falls in Adults With Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.2022 May 19; World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initia...
Fall preventionSocial supportCommunity-dwelling older adultsPhysical activitiesFalls have been recognized as the second leading cause of injury or death for older adults. The related economic burden caused by fall related injuries is not negligible. Earlier research has demonstrated that regular ...
Fall prevention in the elderly can improve the safety of your aging parents. Falls are a main cause of serious injuries in the senior population and are often a source of fear in the elderly.Fall prevention is being aware of (and possibly addressing) the elderly's abilities/behaviors (...
The statistics about falls in older adults are eye-opening. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s STEADI program make it clear thatfall prevention in aging adultsis critically important: One in four older adults reported a fall ...
Falls are among the most common cause of decreased mobility and independence in older adults and rank as one of the most severe public health problems with frequent fatal consequences. In the present study, gait characteristics from 171 community-dwellin
Fall Prevention for Children Fall Prevention for Older Adults Precautions after Total Joint Replacement Surgery Safe Use of Anticoagulants Safe Use of Antiplatelet Medication Safe Use of Cough and Cold MedicinesFurther information Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on...
Older adults at risk for falls are less likely to suffer fall-related hospitalizations when they have a "fall plan of care," according to new research featuring faculty at Binghamton University, State University at New York.
Falls are a leading cause of hospitalization and institutionalization for older adults in the U.S. and fall prevention efforts are an important part of geriatric education and health. Yet, a new University of Michigan study found that despite prevention efforts, falls increase by about 1.5% annual...