You're falling out of orbit, Atlantis. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Did you fall out of the Christmas tree, Grucha? opensubtitles2 """When did you ever promise to kill yourself falling out of Charlie's tree?""" Literature Unless stuff is falling out of the body, firefighters always bring th...
How could someone cause a satellite to fall out of orbit? 有人 怎麼 能讓 衛星 脫離 軌道 ? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 "Fall Out Boy – My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue ". 隔年發行EP《我的心永遠都在我的舌頭的背面》(My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue),其...
3 Covariances between parameters that affect the orbit. This plot does not include the parameters that are evaluated by linear least-squares fitting and marginalized out. Plots on the diagonal are single-parameter histograms; plots off the diagonal are pairwise two-dimensional histograms. See ...
Our victim said she had afalling outwith her pimp. Naše oběť řekla, že se s našim pasákem pohádala. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Without the moon, everything wouldfall outof balance Bez Měsíce by se všechnodostalo venz rovnováhy ...
The Earth does not move at a constant speed in its elliptical (oval) orbit, so the seasons are not of equal length. On average, fall lasts for89.8 daysin the Northern Hemisphere and92.8 daysin the Southern Hemisphere. Average season lengths: ...
by Valerie Bolling, illus. by TeMika Grooms, chronicling how Edelman’s pushes for change and justice have made people feel uncomfortable;The Golden Necklace: A Darjeeling Tea Mysteryby Mitali Perkins, following a 12-year-old Nepali girl who sets out to solve the disappearance of her Bangla fri...
Before the collision , Iridium had a group of sixty - six satellites in orbit. 在这些卫星陨落之前, 铱星 公司有66颗卫星在轨道上运行。 —— 给力词典精选 4. The stars fall out of the sky. 星辰由天际陨落。 —— 给力词典精选 5. The heavens are falling down! What about us?
On the International Space Station, astronauts constantly “fall” around the earth as they orbit, so they don't feel the effects of gravity. While floating around for six months or a year in space sounds like a lot of fun, there is a serious side effect; once they get back to the ea...
The best movies to mark the start of cozy season ahead including "Practical Magic," "Good Will Hunting," "Dead Poets Society," and more.
Park Benchby Christophe Chabouté (Sept. 19, trade paper, $25, ISBN 978-1-5011-5402-7). A park bench weathers all seasons from its creation to its witness of the fresh ardor of lovers, the drudgery of businessmen, and the various hopes of those who enter its orbit. C...