“fall out of favour”的意思是“失宠;不受欢迎”,这个短语用于描述某人、某物或某种观点在一段时间内受到青睐或推崇,但随后逐渐失去这种地位或受欢迎程度。接下来,我将从以下几个方面详细解释这个短语: 一、短语含义 “fall out of favour”直接翻译为“失宠;不受欢迎”。它表...
fall out of favour Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 fall动— 掉动 · 倒动 · 交动 · 跌动 · 降动 · 下降动 · 倒下动 · 降下动 · 下跌动 · 掉下动 · 跌倒动...
fall out of favor (with someone) To no longer be supported, accepted, approved of, or regarded highly by someone.John fell out of favor with his boss ever since he managed to drive away the firm's most lucrative client.Those stupid toys are just a fad—they'll start falling out of fa...
这里,“fall out of favour” 指的是失去好感、失去信任,翻译时要抓住这种“失势”的感觉。 还有一种情况,指计划或协议的失败。 例如,“The deal fell out.” 这并不是指协议“掉下来了”,而是指“交易失败了”、“协议泡汤了”、“计划落空了”。 同样的,翻译得根据上下文灵活处理。 再复杂一点,fall out ...
Restaurants Fall out of Favour as Michelin Stars WithdrawnDevine, Cate
fall out of bed v expr figurative (figures: drop) (指数字) SC 下滑xià huá SC 降低xià huá,jiàng dī TC 降低 fall out of favor (US), fall out of favour (UK) v expr (lose popularity) SC 掉热度 SC 不再受欢迎 fall out of the habit v expr (no longer do [sth] regularly...
Of allrenewable energy sources, biofuel usage has decreased the most due to the coronavirus outbreak, the group said. While the cost of the equivalent of a barrel of biodiesel has remained at around $70 throughout the pandemic, the price of crude oil plunged at the beginning of the year wh...
to fall out of favour with sb. [Br.] [verb] bei jdm. in Ungnade fallen langbot Uh, brother and sister who own the place had a falling out. Die Geschwister, die den Laden besitzen, hatten einen Streit. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 ...
This practice eventually fell out of favour in the early 2000s as Internet connections became faster and more ubiquitous, and playable demos once again reclaimed their crown (in addition to shareware being fairly unpopular outside of the United States, since most people expected a full game after...
from favour, power etc)→ alejamiento m5. (= slope) [of ground]→ declive m, desnivel m 6. falls (= waterfall)→ salto msing de agua, cascada fsing, catarata fsingNiagara Falls→ las cataratas del Niágara 7. (US) (= autumn)→ otoño mB. VI1. (= fall down) [person, ...