and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn--that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness--that season which has drawn from every
248.Down on Teddy's Hill / Pagin' Dr. Christian (I Got Rhythm / Rhythm-a-Ning) 249.Be-Baba-Leba 250.Muskrat Ramble 251.Kerouac 252.Star Dust (I) 253.Bee's Knees 254.Frankie and Johnny 255.Lips Flips / On with Charlie Christian (Stompin' at the Savoy) ...
when you come to cast your vote in North Tipperary - just ask what's in it for you. That's why all his defenders yodelled off the same hymn sheet when 250 of them gathered to applaud Lowry for putting one over on the rest of the country last week: Each one trumpeted the 'good'...