显示算法生成的翻译 将“one of the Three Kingdoms after the fall of the Han dynasty"自动翻译成 中文 汉王朝倒台后的三国之一 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 变形干 匹配词 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 您可以尝试更宽松的搜索以获得一些结果。
As one of the most influential dynasties in Chinese history, the Han Dynasty ruled for over 400 years from 206 BC to 220 AD. However, by the 2nd century AD, the mighty Han regime began to decline due to various factors. Let’s take a closer look at the fall of the Han Dynasty. ...
and their militia set out to return to Zhuo county. However, on the way, they encountered one of the armies of the Han emperor breaking before the banner of Zhang Jue, “General of Heaven,” and leader of the Yellow Scarves. The Imperial Corps, under the command of Dong Zhuo, were...
Liu Bei is introduced as one of the main protagonists of Luo’s novel. His courtesy name, Xuande, can be read as symbolic, being a compound of the words for “dark red” and “virtue,” possibly indicating that Liu Bei carries forward the virtue of the current Han regime. Liu Bei...
英文名称:Sango The Fall of the Han Dynasty 2 版本信息:破解版 发行时间:2008年05月14日 游戏...
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Improper Measures in Frontier Defence and the Decline and Fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty%筹边失当与东汉衰亡 东汉边防军事实力以夷制夷边郡经济开发东汉筹边失当有三 :其一是对武装力量进行压缩 ,对兵役制度进行调整 ,削弱了边防军事实力和战略后备力量 ;其二是"以夷制夷" ,羁縻失当 ,民族矛盾激化 ;...
This thesis is a study of the relationship between Han TLV mirror designs and the philosophical and political climate of the Han Dynasty. After establishing a brief historical profile of the dynasty and description of TLV mirrors the thesis traces the origin of bronze mirrors and the philosophical...
Fu originated from The Book of Songs,and was furthur developed and expanded in the Songs of chu In the Han Dynasty,the works of Fu were extremely popular,By that time ,the Great Fu of direct prose style had occupied the mainstream of literature.The prosperity of the Great Fu has various ...