Fool! -- he had no vision of ruin onward rushing upon himself and Troy, and Penthesileia's self withal. For not as yet had any tidings come of that wild fray to Aias stormy-souled, nor to Achilles, waster of tower and town. But on the grave-mound of Menoetius' son they twain ...
This book is like Only Murders In the Building for kids! Roya’s dad is in charge of their entire apartment building, which means she gets to learn and know everything going on around her. Because Roya wants to be a reporter when she gets older, she creates a secret podcast about the...
To prep: Print the apple shape matching game on the white side of thescrapbook paper(or on card stock), laminate, and cut apart the cards. Step Two: To play Memory, turn over two cards at the same time. If they match, you get to keep them and turn over another set of shapes to ...
I’m up to my ears in fall decorating and I’m going to show you the entire tour soon (with a fun story), but I have so many easy, fun simple ideas to share. I went around my house and snapped a few ideas from all the fall decorating going on around here and found a few ide...
So I have decorative elements at 12-3-6 and 9 if the bowl was a clock… well, close enough. The heavy element came next. I added one big gourd to the center of the dough bowl arrangement on the very top. After the big gourd, I added a couple white baby boo pumpkins and one ora...
This book by Patricia Demuth shares the story of Johnny Appleseed in a kid-friendly way. 4. Hello Fall by Deborah Diesen In this engaging fall story, a girl and her grandpa enjoy seeing the signs of fall on a walk together. It introduces students to many different fall vocabulary words...
I hope you enjoy the change of seasons—the fall color and crisp air, or for those in the Southern Hemisphere, the bloom of spring. Nora PS. But wait! After I embraced fall and switched out my summer clothes for cooler weather stuff, I took a walk around outside. And saw this!
Fall is my favorite time of year to hike: the weather cools and Fall Break is a great time to go on a hike. During this season, you may not see many flowers, but there are mushrooms that vary from big to small and colors that range from neon orange to a speckled brown, even brigh...
Here’s an idea of what we’re trying out at our farm this fall. Using Winter Downtime to Plan for Spring and Summer The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener: How to Grow Your Own Food 365 Days A Year No Matter Where You Live As its title implies, this book is about gardening year-round,...
With a whole lot of during. //similar wheat stack// Step 1: Add something tall on either side Okay. Before I start the step-by-step —I have to talk a little about mantels and a big decision you have to start with. All mantel decor starts with this decision. ...