fall of the Berlin Wall duvarın yıkılışı fall web site fall equinox sonbahar ekinoksu falling star fall in with sth kabul etmek, uymak to-fall fall budding güz aşısı 更多(+83) 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“fall"翻译成 土耳其文 变形 干 Abdul...
With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the iron curtain crumbled and the powerful wind of democracy and freedom swept the shores of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. 随着柏林墙的倒塌,铁幕已经破碎,民主和自由强劲之风席卷欧洲、亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲海岸。 UN-2 With the fall of the Berlin...
After the fall of the Berlin wall, the barracks were vacated and a major economic factor was lost. WikiMatrix 2° Where the contract is entered into with a young person for a period falling within the school holidays or university vacations; EurLex-2 The result, the expansive Michigan,...
Then came 1989, the fall of the Communist regime in Poland, followed by the fall of the Berlin Wall. Puis est arrivé 1989, la chute du régime communiste en Pologne, suivie par la chute du mur de Berlin. Europarl8 Now, with the fall of the regime, he had no identity. Puis,...
as the author of The End of History and the Last Man, in which he argued that the progression of human history as a struggle between ideologies is largely at an end, with the world settling on liberal democracy after the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. ...
BattleTech-A-Time-of-War Beacon Best Left Buried Better-Angels Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures Bite-Marks Black Crusade Advanced API Black Hack Black Void by Penny for a Tale Black-Seven Black_Crusade Blades in the Dark Blades-in-the-Dark Blightburg Blue Planet V2 Blue Rose Bluebeard's...
A SouthCoast woman was taking a walk through Westport this week when she stumbled across an irreplaceable piece of history. Maggie Henry said she was walking down the northern part of Drift Road on Wednesday when she came across a postcard. It had an old-style cartoon on the front, ...
After the fall of the Berlin Wall he said, "Only since 9 November 1989 have I felt truly free." Quand che 'l Mur de Berlin l'è borlaa giò lu l'ha dii che "Domà el 9 de november del 1989 me son sentii debon liber". WikiMatrix In the official ranking of roads by import...
WikiMatrix Around that time, there was tremendous optimism about the possibility of the fall of the regime. Por entonces había un optimismo enorme en cuanto a la pronta caída del régimen. Literature The SA continued to exist until the fall of the regime, but no longer played any politic...