Fall Fertilization: How Optimum Fertilizer Selection and Application Timing Can Uncover New Efficiencies for Your Lawn Care Business[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] It's no secret that summer can be tough on lawns. Extreme heat,...Von Minden, Lynette
Lawnifi is a fertilizer program powered by Catalyst Technology that matches seasonal changes with combined fertilizer boxes for spring, summer and fall.The Fall Fertilizer Box contains one bottle of Boost, Maintain and Recover, which work together to help your lawn get over the stressful heat of ...
The University of Minnesota recommends fertilizing from August through the middle of October. However, the amount of fertilizer you will need depends on a few factors, such as soil composition, how often you water, and whether you leave your clippings on the lawn. The best way to determine ho...
This will set you up for a stronger lawn with a better chance of surviving the winter season. You can then follow our guide to how to use leaf mulch for lawn fertilizer so you can turn the fallen leaves into a natural fertilizer. This will replenish the soil with any lost nutrients, ...
It isn't easy to cultivate a perfect lawn, but avoiding these common mistakes is a good place to start.
Fall leaves are a beautiful sight until they're all over your lawn. Left alone, leaf litter can suffocate the grass. 10. Give it one last mow Set your mower to a low setting and give the lawn a close buzz before winter sets in. This helps the soil dry out more quickly in the spri...
Next spring’s lawn weeds can be headed off if we take care of and thicken up the lawn before it starts to go dormant this fall. Here's what to do: Apply a high-potassium winterizer fertilizer soon, to help the lawn prepare ahead of time for its upcoming dormant season. ...
Fertilize and Seed Lawn Grass needs plant sugar and potassium over the winter to feed its roots. Late fall is the best time to apply it. Ask your gardening center what type of fertilizer is best for your climate. Fall is also the best time (if you live in a cold climate) to repair ...