For the news junkies, this funny fall quote meme will hit close. What better way to celebrate this fall, then with this apple picking meme with a side of shade. Turning on the Heater This family fall game is brilliant. In the fall, play a little game of how long can we freeze before...
使用下方的字体转换工具预览 Fall is Coming 字体。您可以搭配各种颜色和文字特效。 输入字体大小 选择文字效果 无渐变-水平渐变-垂直渐变-径向阴影-小阴影-大阴影-实心S阴影-实心L阴影-条纹轮廓-A轮廓-B轮廓-D轮廓-透明艺术字-狂欢三宝艺术字-苹果艺术字-BackwooA艺术字-BackwooB艺术字-Banner艺术字-Bendient艺术...
其中让笔者十分深刻的就是林凉水与资深大律师董大状的一番对话,如上图。董大状观点,是非常职业化的论述,在他看来,律师就是为客户服务,真相并不重要,truth is insignificant in here。做律师,帮助客户打赢官司才是最重要,甚至为了打赢官司,不得不帮助客户掩盖真相。说的也是,律师又不是警察,缉拿真凶绳之于法的...
其中让笔者十分深刻的就是林凉水与资深大律师董大壮的一番对话,如上图。董大壮观点,是非常职业化的论述,在他看来,律师就是为客户服务,真相并不重要,truth is insignificant in here。做律师,帮助客户打赢官司才是最重要,甚至为了打赢官司,不得不帮助客户掩盖真相。说的也是,律师又不是警察,缉拿真凶绳之于法的...
Another day, another meme. Sometimes, the web's hive mind can be a weird, wonderful place. In their best moments, memes bring us together and give us a sense of belonging. But mostly, they just make us lol. In this weekly recap, we give a quick breakdown of the newest memes flooding...
We have some of the best fall color here in Michigan so why not be surrounded by it? Whether you go up to check out some waterfalls for a more intense hike or hit your local trails, a hike is a MUST for anyone trying to truly enjoy fall in Michigan. ...
The Delta variant is fully raining on Twitter's parade. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage, both in the U.S. and around the world, the denizens of Twitter are faced with an unfortunate reality: The Delta variant doesn't give a shit about their fun fall plans. Mashable Light...
Here’s one thing I wanna say on this part here… I know this is new. Do either of you own an Apple Watch? Tim Smith Yeah. Jerod Santo Yes. Adam Stacoviak Okay. The unlock feature from the Apple Watch to any Mac is amazing. Tim Smith Oh, yeah. Jerod Santo It’s ...
Here are the 30 films TheWrap’s film team is excited to see this fall. Sony Pictures “The Equalizer 3” (Sept. 1) Denzel Washington returns to complete his trilogy as action hero Robert McCall and has us very excited. After leaving behind his past as a government assassin, McCall finds...
Here is the floor plan of the Borden house and all of its 3,643 square feet of spooky. Note the first-floor sitting room and the largest bedroom on the second floor. Those are the sites of the grizzly ax murders. Would you dare spend the night there?