mall, movie theaters, and grocery stores fit into that ‘blood of patriots and tyrants’ business. Especially when…oh yeah, and churches, I forgot to include churches. And temples and mosques. Anyway, right-wing lunatic gun nuts have trouble explaining how that blood of patriots stuff...
Louisiana: Cajun Corridor Byway No need to pack a picnic lunch on this road trip—eat your way across the 34-mile Cajun Corridor Byway one shrimp, crawfish and oyster at a time. Get gumbo atSuire's Grocery & Restaurantin Kaplan, devour a crawfish po’boy atBon Creolein New Iberia, and...
Best grocery delivery servicesDiscover Google Brain Co-Founder Andrew Ng, Recommends: Read These 5 Books And Turn Your Life AroundAndrew Ng, computer scientist and technology entrepreneur focusing on artificial intelligence, shares the five books he thinks will change your life.Blinkist: Andrew Ng's...
Family credits delivery driver for giving them time to say goodbye to loved oneNews In Photos: "Good Day Gardening" 5 Good Day Gardening - How to combat aphids on plants. 6 The Final Good Day Gardening of the Year 4 Good Day Gardening: Start your fall planting 4 Good Day Gardening: ...
For others, that may not necessarily be the case–especially those who dine off-site or do grocery delivery to prepare meals in their rooms. Which is precisely why Walt Disney World is doing this rather than simply reducing prices. (Well, that and this is probably better from...
YoutakeyourmomtothegrocerystoreonTuesdays. Nah,it’s...’sfine.ItoldherI’dcomebylatertonight,and... Ijustneedtostayin. 1 2 Areyouokay? -Yeah.-What’swrong? No,no,nothing.Nothing’swrong. Nothing’swrong. Takethecar. Now,getup. ...