电子商务管理(数字营销)硕士(MSc e-Business Management (Digital Marketing))是WMG电子商务管理硕士的四个专业分支之一,数字营销专注于如何通过渠道如社交媒体和技术,帮助企业以经济有效的方式接触客户;识别目标受众,与潜在客户建立联系;就消息传递做出明智的决策并维护客户关系。该专业专为希望在组织内或直接为企业从事数...
Our Growth Marketing Sprint digs into your unit economics and P&L to find every opportunity to save and scale. You’ll get a detailed forecast, including MER and aMER goals, so you know exactly how to hit your growth targets. Plus, we’ll hand over spreadsheets blueprint that lays out ...
▲华威大学WMG学院的PS要求 文书老师Eddy对项目关怀和文书要求做到心中有数后,提取Y同学与电商和营销最相关的素材,围绕着digital marketing,阐述“一名专业的数字营销人员应该具备多种渠道的整合能力”的职业思考和职业目标。 Eddy老师阐述学生过往经历时,重点不在描述学生解决了什么问题和获得什么技能,而是ta发现了什么亟...
数字社会学硕士(MSc Digital Society)是SPS的社会学领域的学位课程,所以社会学理论和方法论是该项目的一个核心知识。再者利用跨学科方法探究数字技术对我们生活的影响,包括技术如何渗透社会生活的不同方面,以及它们如何与自我、社会关系、教育、工作和劳动力市场、文化和制度转型、商业和金融、健康、安全和世界的各个其他...
Is there a way for digital marketing agencies to ride the AI wave? Like most organizations, digital marketing agencies like you have thepotential to grow your businesswith the proper application of AI. While there are so many customer data that you can gather to create the best strategies poss...
Holiday email marketing is crucial for businesses across niches. It increases brand awareness, reaches new audiences, nurtures loyal customers, and re-engages lapsed subscribers. For many companies, it lies at the core of maintaining consistency in digital communication and serves as a foundation for...
Notre Dame Mendoza商学院新开数字营销硕士Master of Science in Digital Marketing (MSDM)。 该项目将于25Fall开放第一年招生,目前暂不接受国际生申请。 项目介绍 Notre Dame商学院数字营销硕士面向拥有商业或非商业本科学位,且工作经验不足三年的学生,为从事数字营销管理、社交媒体管理、营销分析等工作职位做好准备。
Influencer marketing is continuing to rise this year with more and more digital budgets testing and investing, but how is it best utilized if you are in B2B marketing? Lee Odden, author and CEO of TopRank marketing (and a DMI champion) brings you a presentation on How to Create Marketing...
Emlyon 2021 fall - Digital Marketing & Data Science - Digital test 面经 [2021.07.09] 可能是本年度最晚的面经。中午刚答完,趁着还没忘攒一波人品。 逻辑题 Domino 共 10 题,每题 15 秒钟左右,做完就可以 submit. 这一部分我觉得是最简单的,因为提前做了一些练习,基本看一眼就能出答案。 练习网址:...
Skyfall Blue is a full service, multi-lingual and award-winning Digital Marketing and Website Design Agency.