Caring for bearded irises.Water sparingly after planting until the rhizomes set their roots. Then water regularly until it begins to rain or the ground freezes. Resume watering when growth begins, and water regularly throughout the growing and blooming season and an additional six weeks afte...
Iris, bearded3–9Well–drainedFull sun/ Partial Shade44Early spring to early summer3–48 Iris, Siberian4–9Well–drainedFull sun/ Partial Shade44Early spring to midsummer18–48 Ornamental onion3–10Well–drained/ moist/fertileFull sun123–4Late spring ...
Iris, bearded3–9Well–drainedFull sun/ Partial Shade44Early spring to early summer3–48 Iris, Siberian4–9Well–drainedFull sun/ Partial Shade44Early spring to midsummer18–48 Ornamental onion3–10Well–drained/ moist/fertileFull sun123–4Late spring ...
Thriving in sun during the day, this tall bearded iris will illuminate your moon garden at night with their unique blooms. Mount Everest Allium Mount Everest Allium Globe shaped white blooms have texture and are visible in low light. Mount Everest Allium blooms at the end of spring with showy...
This striking form of Iris holandica (Dutch iris) lights up the garden in late May and June with rich purplish-blue blossoms highlighted by sunny yellow on the elegant falls. Reliably increases over time, but unlike bearded iris doesn’t need to be divided, forming lovely low-maintenance clus...
Bearded Iris and Allium bloom even later than the flowers in this collection. Plant allium and bearded iris for blooms at the very last part of spring. Similar to the mid-spring blooming collection the late spring blooming collection has bulbs in a variety of heights and colors and covers app...
Iris, bearded 3–9 Well–drained Full sun/Partial Shade 4 4 Early springto early summer 3–48 Iris, Siberian 4–9 Well–drained Full sun/Partial Shade 4 4 Early springto midsummer 18–48 Ornamental onion 3–10 Well–drained/moist/fertile Full sun 12 3–4 Late springto early summer 6–...