A rational fall risk assessment comprises these factors, thereby providing an individual risk profile as a quantitative basis for treatment planning and evaluation.doi:10.1093/gerona/60.8.1000Martin RungeJ Gerontol A Bi...
Four-stage balance test.Your fall risk assessment will evaluate your balance by having you stand in four different positions, each of which is slightly more challenging in terms of balance. As an example, being unable to stand on one leg for 5 seconds without assistance has been s...
Multifactorial assessment requires a synergy of various specialists. The geriatrician coordinates the multidisciplinary intervention in order to make the most effective evaluation of the risk of falling, searching for all predisposing factors, aiming towards a program of prevention. In clear pathological ...
Semaltianoy, E., Kabitsis, C., Harahousou, Y., & Lazou, V. (2011). Investigation of fall prediction factors in elderly population using isokinetic assessment of the knee joint. Biology of Exercise, 7(2), 49-62. doi: 10.4127/jbe.2011.0049...
Falls in the elderly are an increasing problem causing a high degree of morbidity, mortality, and use of health care services. Identification of risk factors through medical assessment supports the provision of appropriate interventions that reduce rates of falling. Evaluation and intervention strategies...
frail elderlylong‐term carerisk assessmentsensitivity and specificityTo conduct a systematic review of published fall risk assessment tools (FRATs) tested for predictive validity among older adults in long-term care (LTC).A systematic search was conducted using five databases. Only studies reporting ...
Objective To discuss the relationship between fall risk and psychological efficiency in elderly inpatients.Methods The Johns Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment Tool(Chinese vision) and Modified Falls Efficacy Scale were used to evaluate 105 hospitalized elderly patients.Results The fall risk score of elderly in...
. Thus, we identified the optimal gait features for accurate fall risk level classification in older adults. The XGBoost model could inspire future works on fall prevention and the fall-risk assessment potential through the gait analysis of older adults....
Leaders in VNG Testing, Balance Testing and Fall Assessment Systems. Dizziness, Vertigo and Fall Prevention Systems by Balance+Plus.
In addition, the assessment items for physical function comprised items of different levels of difficulty, and these are able to gradually and comprehensively assess physical function. 展开 关键词: Community-dwelling elderly Factor analysis Item analysis Prevention fall Risk factors ...