Computation in R used functions in the packages mvMORPH v.1.1.3, phytools v.0.7-70, ape v.5.5 and lme4 v.1.1-23. Input files can be obtained from Supplementary Data 1 and figshare ( References Surovell, T., Waguespack, N. & Brantingham...
India has claimed that US plans to support renewable energy are a new kind of protectionism similar to those of the Great Depression and hurdles to the developing world. In the meantime, as America's expensive military industrial complex ramps up to increase production of everything from aircraft...
I know the colors are not your typical fall colors but I really like them together… The main flower in the center, whose name escapes me right now, is from Michaels and it was my inspiration for much of the decor. I can’t wait to check out the rest of the tablescapes. Thank you ...