可能会要求国际申请者带补充文件。 √ 2022-2023申请季所有招生面试都将以线上形式(Zoom、Google Hangout等软件或电话)进行。√ ED申请者在10月中旬至11月最后一周收到面试邀请,RD申请者在12月至2月期间收到面试邀请。 杜克大学Duke University 杜克大学提供可选择的校友面试,不提供与招生官的校内面试。 申请后,...
芝加哥大学的要求是:可提交2分钟的介绍视频,不需要特别的剪辑和修饰,仅作为补充介绍自己的材料(非强制性要求)。 线下面试主要是有校园面试(Campus Interview)和校外面试(Off Campus Events)。 校园面试有一点类似于提供一个前往学校参观考察,顺...
芝加哥大学的要求是:可提交2分钟的介绍视频,不需要特别的剪辑和修饰,仅作为补充介绍自己的材料(非强制性要求)。 线下面试主要是有校园面试(Campus Interview)和校外面试(Off Campus Events)。 校园面试有一点类似于提供一个前往学校参观考察,顺便面试的机会。在学校官网注册预约,然后由招生官或在校生在校内进行面试,通常...
报名链接:https://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/virtual-events 耶鲁大学 线上信息会由耶鲁大学招生官和耶鲁大学在读学生共同主持。这些60分钟的在线讲座涵盖学术课程、住宿生活、经济承受能力和招生。 宣讲会时间安排: 报名链接: https:/...
3、也可能是校外面试(offCampus Events),今年因为疫情原因,国外的线下面试不太可能,仅有几所大学提供美国境内一些城市的线下面试。 线上面试 在疫情的影响之下,线上面试(Virtualinterview)逐渐成为近年美国大学面试的主流,线上面试可能通过电话沟通,但主要是通过视频会话(VideoChat)来进行,线上平台可能是Skype、FaceTime...
The first of Apple's fall events focused on some of the secondary products in the lineup. iPads, Apple Watches, and services were touched on in this short event, but the over-the-top pre-recorded video showed Apple was leaning into its new format with earnest. ...
Virtual CurrencyFall Guys - 1000 Show-Bucks (English/Chinese/Korean/Japanese Ver.) SGD12.00 Virtual CurrencyFall Guys - 5000 Show-Bucks (English/Chinese/Korean/Japanese Ver.) SGD48.30 Costume Fall Guys - Arcade Classics Pack (English/Chinese/Korean/Japanese Ver.) ...
Since its first iteration back in 2013, Fall Fest has grown to become one of the Gros Morne region’s yardstick events, drawing folks from near and far at the tail end of the annual tourist season. Built upon the foundations of a Craft Fair that began in 2007, and which still takes ...
Virtual Public Harm Reduction Training Thu, Feb 27 • 5:00 AM GMT+8 Free Pima County Health DepartmentSave this event: Virtual Public Harm Reduction Training Virtual Public Harm Reduction Training Fri, Jan 31 • 1:00 AM GMT+8 Free Pima County Health DepartmentSave this event: Virtual Publ...
Many universities offer the opportunity to speak to current students, staff, and faculty directly or through virtual events hosted by the institution. This is a great way to ask any questions you may have, learn about programs and resources, and hear current students' experiences. ...