Tailoring Fall Prevention Videos for Medical-Surgical Inpatients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Medsurg Nursing. 2023;32(3):170–8. Burleigh E, McColl J, Potter J. Does vitamin D stop inpatients falling? A randomised controlled trial. Age Ageing. 2007;36(5):507–13. Article PubMed Google ...
Moving into the SS25 season, the flare trend continued to dominate the runway. The trend was seen in sharp tailoring, with high-waisted pants playing a starring role. Even leather pants received a flare upgrade, adding a touch of boho to the spring months. ...
Prior research has also shown positive effects of message tailoring to encourage health behavior change, such as engaging in physical activity [24,55,56]. In our study, flyers were utilized to promote participation in an FPP. Prior research showed mixed responses to flyers, with some preferring...
[20] discuss potential risks and benefits of providing more general fall prevention efforts to all patients versus tailoring efforts towards identified high-risk patients. Examples of FRA methods include Morse Falls Scale [21], Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) [22], Physiological...