Started Nov 8, 2023 | Photos Forum Threaded viewTsutomu • Regular Member • Posts: 251 A few Serows from a trip to Tsumagoi Village in the fall of 2023 Nov 8, 2023 4 Here are some photos of Japanese Serows from my trip this November. #1 View: original size (external web...
the documentation ofXarrayandDaskpython packages. Once aMASC_DBclass instance is created,pymascdbenables the users to benefit from implemented class methods specifically designed to ease data manipulation operations such as data subsetting, filtering, sorting and reordering. For example, data can be f...
You might want to hire a wedding planner to help make your wedding dream a reality, and many venues even offer this as part of their wedding packages. Your planner can take care of all your fall wedding planning details, from the venue and flowers to catering and photography. Planners...
— Photo courtesy Vereinigung Erzgebirge Club Saturday, September 9, 2023 | 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. German-American social and sports club Vereinigung Erzgebirge celebrates the 86th year of theBucks Mont Oktoberfestat their sprawling facility in Warminster,Bucks County. What to expect: plenty of f...
Shutterstock // BBA Photography Succotash Once a popular dish dating back to the 17th century, succotash isn't the type of dinner side you see on the table these days. Evolved from the word msíckquatash from the Narragansett tribe, meaning "boiled corn kernels," this dish will typically ...
Self-care through nature photography A visual journey through fall with a queer eyedoi:10.5070/P539260959NATURE photographyNATURE parksCOMMUNITIESCAREER changesCITIES & townsGASTELUM, MARIOParks Stewardship Forum
A few weeks ago, I shared with you my fall colour scheme for this year and I have tried to remain true to it… So here is my tablescape. I used both faux and real flowers to create this arrangement. I found some blue thistle at my local flower shop. Though she could only give me...
DirecTV Now at the moment, which has been bleeding subscribers, a trend that continued this quarter. Stephenson acknowledged that DirecTV Now might see further losses due to the recent price increases and revamped channel packages, but he said things should level out in the second half o...