在学校CFL lab做了一年多的研究助理(RA),参与过两个项目(数据编码、小组访谈、论文注解等) 有自己的研究项目,参加过校内的Undergraduate Student Research Symposium,虽然没有论文发表,但有poster展示 📚 实习与工作经验: 在成都一家少儿英语机构做过助教,3个月 在大学的CLA学院做peer advisor,快一年了 在明尼苏达...
Trip Has Mental Health Rolling ; Fundraiser Will Bring Fall SymposiumThe Vanderburgh County division of Mental Health America held itsfourth annual Ride For Recovery...Roll, Max
Lindell’s efforts have all be for naught, but he has not given up, telling the massive crowd gathered for the rally that he will soon be hosting a “cyber symposium” where he claims that “cyber guys” will prove that the election was stolen via someth...