我们统计的2023 fall offer 全部是来自: 我们自己的学生 各大平台收集 01 香港中文大学 港中文CS从11月初开始陆续下了几批offer,从目前拿到录取的学生背景来看,主要以985为主,均分普遍在85以上,还有少量的211,均分则更高。 双非的学生今年会比较难,像深大,南方科大这类学校的学生还是很有录取机会。 02 香港科...
今天给大家分享的是港中文CS,港科大EEE,港理工IT的拒录信息。 声明: 我们统计的2023 fall offer 全部是来自: 我们自己的学生 各大平台收集 01 香港中文大学 港中文CS从11月初开始陆续下了几批offer,从目前拿到录取的学生背景来看...
It’s also a key time for ambitious young professionals looking to gain experience. During this time, companies are writing their budgets, setting annual goals, and thinking about their hiring schedule for the new year. If you’ve ever dreamed of turning an internship into a full-time job, ...
题目一:Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.(分享你的背景、身份、兴趣或...
已接MIT offer,甚至和新老板约好了meet。Decline掉了余下几所,申请季终结。 去波士顿旅游了一周四处逛逛,在MIT给了一个talk,也参加了很多学术&社交活动。很喜欢这里的氛围,无论是学术上还是生活上。 编辑于 2023-03-30 08:05 赞同37875 条评论 分享收藏喜欢收起O...
“Apologies, upon further review of your application, it was unfortunately unsuccessful. The offer letter was sent out in error...” 不敢睁开眼,怕是自己的幻觉。 有同学在1月13日收到曼大pre offer letter后,甚至已经有student id了,但迟迟没有正式的offer letter,第一次邮件反馈的结果是告知押金时间,...
It’s also a key time for ambitious young professionals looking to gain experience. During this time, companies are writing their budgets, setting annual goals, and thinking about their hiring schedule for the new year. If you’ve ever dreamed of turning an internship into a full-time job, ...
前几天,我们参与了一场闭门分享,从港理设计学院教授那里了解到:港理的创新多媒体娱乐硕士 (MScIME), 有很大可能会在26fall,把申请时间提前几个月。 “申请时间可能会提前,例如早批截止时间可能从11月中调整到1月底,最终截止时间可能从4月30日提前到1月底。”——当然这不是最终官宣。
Z同学,211院校,国际经济与贸易专业,均分88+,雅思6.5,拿到了曼大offer 专业推荐 工程类 英国工程领域实力顶尖。机械工程主攻设计,毕业生可投身汽车、航空航天行业;电子工程聚焦前沿技术,就业前景佳;土木工程专注基建,在城市化进程中作用大。对工程感兴趣的双非学生,这些专业值得选。
Transfer Student Orientation is designed to offer you a vigorous introduction to the university, including informational sessions and small-group discussions that will help you navigate your academic program, campus resources, extracurricular activities, and student life on the campus. Through TSO, you’...