大二下开始跟另一个非常nice的教授做了一些Geometric Machine Learning的工作,中了一个NeurIPS 2022 Workshop Poster(去了现场present),在投一个ICLR 2023(大概凉凉)和一个AISTATS 2023(大概能中)(Edit: 这两篇都凉了,已转投ICML) 大三暑假开始在MSRA一个特别nice的组实习,一个大项目在做(打算投个Nature子刊)...
Machine Learning Theory Application to Healthcare Pub & letter aaai一作*1,nips共一*1,nips work...
Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development View all Explore Learning Pathways White papers, Ebooks, Webinars Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights Open Source GitHub Sponsors...
Health care scamscome in many forms, but all involve someone either wanting your personal information for identity theft—under the guise of updating your insurance—or attempting to use your insurance to submit fraudulent medical charges. Most versions also includerobocalls, texts, or emails from s...
The developed healthcare IoHT framework can be realized for detecting fall accidents of older people by taking security and privacy concerns into account in future work.doi:10.32604/cmc.2023.039084Reyad, OmarShehata, Hazem IbrahimKarar, Mohamed Esmail...
Never share your personal information with someone who contacts you without your request. You should instead call a trusted number from your healthcare provider to verify the legitimacy of the request. You may also like:15 cars that depreciated the most last year ...
Healthcare professionals should conduct a thorough medication review, including past patient history, age-related physical changes, drug–drug interactions, and AEs considered as risk factors for falls [61,62,63,64]. Optimized interventions to reduce the incidence of falls among older adults should ...
As Fig. 5 showed, over 50 % of the high-risk patients had severe disease comorbidity (≥5 fall-associated diseases) and also received an increased number of medications, leading to an inflation of their total healthcare costs, while only 7% of the low-risk patients had such severe level ...
Article Open access 25 August 2023 Introduction Falls among elderly are a cause of major concern for health systems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)1, around 646,000 mortal falls occur each year in the world, while 37.3 million falls are severe enough to require medical attenti...
for Health,有两个项目可以申请:MSc Global Healthcare Management with Analytics和MSc Digital Health ...