Fall is traditionally a time for harvesting crops, reflected in the abundance of seasonal produce in late summer and early autumn. For example, farmers’ markets and grocery stores are abundant with fall harvest crops, as pumpkins, apples, squash, and root vegetables return to farmers’ stands a...
Best grocery delivery servicesDiscover Google Brain Co-Founder Andrew Ng, Recommends: Read These 5 Books And Turn Your Life AroundAndrew Ng, computer scientist and technology entrepreneur focusing on artificial intelligence, shares the five books he thinks will change your life.Blinkist: Andrew Ng's...
Milk Bottle Grocery (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) The historicMilk Bottle Grocerywas built in 1930 and is hard to miss: The 350-square-foot building has a giant milk bottle perched on top of it. Since its creation, many dairy companies have paid to advertise their names across the side of the...
A brief respite before all but BW and I head to the near village and the grocery store—which was, it seems, packed and confusing. Now we have fresh Italian bread (for the upcoming Italian Egg Breakfast), and plenty of supplies. This includes rice as Kayla, Kat and Griffin yearn for ...
YoutakeyourmomtothegrocerystoreonTuesdays. Nah,it’s... ...it’sfine.ItoldherI’dcomebylatertonight,and... Ijustneedtostayin. 1 2 Areyouokay? -Yeah.-What’swrong? No,no,nothing.Nothing’swrong. Nothing’swrong. Takethecar. Now,getup. ...
But even right-wing lunatic gun nuts have trouble explaining how mass murder events at schools, mall, movie theaters, and grocery stores fit into that ‘blood of patriots and tyrants’ business. Especially when…oh yeah, and churches, I forgot to include churches. And temples and mosques. Any...
Katherine Tegen Booksmakes a delivery withMessenger of Fearby Michael Grant, in which the titular force brings justice to those who do wrong;Septimus Heap: Todhunter Moon, Book One: Pathfinderby Angie Sage, beginning a new arc of the Septimus Heap series;Balance Keepers #1: The Fires of Cal...