MSc Financial Technology项目会让同学们掌握金融科技领域公司所需要的量化和分析技能,以及金融部门的知识。核心课程包括Accounting, Systematic Trading Strategies, Big Data, Financial Econometrics, Investment Management and Empirical Finance。 入学要求: 工程、计算机科学、数学、经济、金融、科学等相关专业2:1学位及...
近日,香港大学商学院官宣25fall新增三个热门硕士项目,分别是会计分析硕士(Master of Accounting Analytics)、可持续会计与金融硕士(Master of Sustainable Accounting and Finance)、财富管理硕士(Master of Wealth Management)! 港大此举,给广大学子...
1.商学院offer发放情况:目前,商学院发放的offer专业主要集中在MSc Management、MSc Finance Technology and Policy、MSc Human Resource Management、MSc Marketing、MSc Accounting and Finance、MSc Business Analytics这几个专业上。拿到offer的同学当中,国内本科背景的学生是10月底收到的多一些,海本学生在10月10日左右...
**攻读该硕士学位课程的学生有机会参加法国克莱蒙高等商学院的管理学硕士课程,在两年内获得双学位:可持续企业管理硕士学位(UNIPD)和管理学硕士学位,大学校课程(克莱蒙高等商学院)。 Master ofAccounting, Finance and Business Consulting 会计、金融和商...
可持续会计与金融(Master of Sustainable Accounting and Finance - MSAF)是经管学院新增的ESG硕士项目,也是呼应香港本土、中国大陆、乃至世界各地对可持续会计和金融人才的需求。 可持续会计(Sustainable Accounting)的概念起源于上世纪七十年代,根据Wiki的解释,SA也被称为社会会计、非财务报告。其一般是财务会计的一个子...
15The Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report 2023. 16Bloomberg, “Your Walls Need Some Latin American Art,” Feb. 17, 2024. 17ARTnews, “Whitney Museum Picks Marcela Guerrero, Drew Sawyer to Curate 2026 Whitney Biennial,” Aug. 6, 2024. ...
可持续会计与金融(Master of Sustainable Accounting and Finance - MSAF)是经管学院新增的ESG硕士项目,也是呼应香港本土、中国大陆、乃至世界各地对可持续会计和金融人才的需求。 可持续会计(Sustainable Accounting)的概念起源于上世纪七十年代,根据Wiki的解释,SA也被称为社会会计、非财务报告。其一般是财务会计的一个子...
【任】杜伦 Accounting 211 85+ 三实习还有一些比赛 【任】杜伦 Data science 包括社会科学、艺术和人文科学、商业和科学 211,工管,85 杜伦Finance and Investment 211 85 雅思7211金融85 雅思7(6) 杜伦BA 985相关专业,绩点3.5/5.0,专业绩点3.8/5.0 ...
was 3.6%. General commercial distressed sales accounted for 9 of the distressed trades in February 2023, or 1.0% of all repeat-sales trades, below its five-year pre-pandemic monthly average of 2.5%. Only four investment grade distressed sales were recorded in the month, account...
Christina Roberto, lead researcher and assistant professor of medical ethics and health policy at the Perelman School of Medicine, said in a press release that taxing sugary beverages is "one of the most effective policy strategies to reduce the purcha...