2) 布里斯托大学针对 2023 年 9 月入学的以下专业已经截止申请:MSc Accounting, Finance and ManagementManagement (International Human Resource Management)南安普顿大学 除以下专业已经截止来自中国的申请之外,其余专业均可申请:商学院课程除 MBA 以外Communication Design( MA)DesignManagement(MA)Fashion Management(MA)...
据BC官网数据,2023-2024学年,在BC念本科与研究生的中国学生人数分别为340、428。 在录取率方面,波士顿学院整体录取率已经连续七年下降,从2021届的32%,到2023届27%,再到如今2028届的14.7%,七年时间录取率狂砍一半。 BC偏爱怎样的中国学生? 尽管BC今年仍采取test-optional政策,但整理来看,选择提交标化成绩的申请者...
Performance Improvement – Help our clients with improving the effectiveness and design of their operations, finance and accounting functions. Areas of focus include finance transformation, finance process re-engineering, accounting change implementation, enterprise cost reduction, operational improvement...
Accounting Analytics Business Economics Finance Management Communications Marketing Operations Organizational Behavior Strategy Consulting Skills and Frameworks Business Professionalism and Career Development 集中课程 金融方向:该方向侧重于广泛的金融技能,...
MSc (Econ) Accounting And Finance MSc (Econ) Finance & Investment Management (no CFA Exam) MSc (Econ) Finance & Investment Management (with CFA) MSc International Business & Finance MSc International Business Management MSc International Fin...
该项目以就业为导向,除了专业课,还提供Boothcamp、Succeeding in the Workplace课程,为学生毕业后从事广泛的职业做好准备。五门核心商业课程:数据分析Data Analytics财务会计Financial Accounting微观经济学Microeconomics管理决策模型Managerial Decision Modeling管理行为基础Behavioral Foundations of Management四门专业选修课:...
Four new programs beginning in Fall 2023 “We are excited to add these new and re-energized programs to our comprehensive mix of industry-relevant programming at Red Deer Polytechnic,” says Dr. Paulette Hanna, Interim Vice President Academic. “The knowledge and skills that graduates will p...
23fall 硕士申请基本已经结束,很多同学由于语言未达标或者错过了申请材料提交没赶上今年秋季入学,虽然可以从现在就开始准备24fall 申请,但是如果不想Gap 1年的话,24春季开课的硕士课程也是一个不错的选择哦~英国开设的春季课程都是英国大学官方开设的正规课程(full time),其课程设置、学习评估标准、教学质量、...
七卡七卡:2023fall的KCL你还申得起吗?5 赞同 · 2 评论文章 道路虽艰,但我们依然要励志前行,我们静下心来看看爱丁堡大学商学院的专业选择、语言要求、申请材料以及个人陈述(Personal statement)要求等。 爱丁堡大学商学院专业列表 Masters in Accounting and Finance ...
2) 布里斯托大学针对 2023 年 9 月入学的以下专业已经截止申请: MSc Accounting, Finance and Management Management (International Human Resource Management) 南安普顿大学 除以下专业已经截止来自中国的申请之外,其余专业均可申请: 商学院...