其余的观察结论是:官网写了 not necessary 就是真的不用套瓷;声明自己项目是 US-structured 的欧洲学校都不用;要交RP的项目也不一定需要;总而言之大多数 accounting 的项目都没有这个需要,除非你真的对某个老师特别感兴趣。 四、申请材料准备(ps & rp & ws) CV 没什么好说的,大家的内容和格式都不会差得太...
背景:(可能的)加分项:欧陆 business and finance 研究型硕士,牛推一封,经济背景,提交了 accounting 相关的 proposal 当作 writing sample; 弱势:无发表无 RA,无北美教育背景,无相关工作经验。 申请总结: 1.USC 12 月底第一轮面试,和 coordinator 聊了一个多小时,一半的时间在讨论 proposal 相关的研究细节。其他问...
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简称UNC),在2025年U.S.News美国最佳大学排名中位列第27位!随着2025年秋留学申请时间进入高峰,近日,该大学的Kenan-Flagler商学院官宣在25fall推出一项全新的全日制专业——管理...
第四轮申请截止日期为2023年4月29日 第五轮申请截止日期为2023年7月1日 伦敦国王学院 伦敦国王学院商科、传媒、教育、计算机等热门专业如: Accounting, Accountability & Financial Management MSc Economics & Finance MSc Cultural & Creative Industries MA Educat...
IDC believes that global 5G device shipments will grow 23.6% year on year in 2022, accounting for more than half (54%) of all shipments with 688 million devices and an average selling price (ASP) of $616. In the long term, 5G models are expected to reach a 79% market share in 2026...
The bank trimmed its estimates by another 3 million units, accounting for slowing production in China. Last month, analysts at the investment bank cut estimates by 6 million units. The new expectations anticipate the technology giant will ship about 75.5 million iPhones. ...
Spain and France saw the most transaction activity, accounting for 44% of total investment volume and emphasising the renewed focus on southern European leisure markets, pushing the UK out of the top slot. Notable was a fall in core asset transaction activity as investor interest moved more to...
Five years later, GE paid a $50 million penalty to settle a wide-ranging SEC accounting probe that alleged the company "used improper accounting methods to increase its reported earnings or revenues and avoid reporting negative financial results." The SEC cited four such instances in 2002-2003.16...
WorldCom was a telecommunications company that provided discount long-distance services to its customers. The company was embroiled in one of the largest accounting scandals in the United States, which led to an equally large bankruptcy filing. The company used fraudulent accounting practices to cover...
24Fall 南安普顿大学部分PGT专业申请截止通知‼️针对permanently resident in China 的申请人,南安普顿大学以下PGT专业的截止时间由2023年11月29日更改为2023年12月20日:(3874) MSc Race Car Aerodynamics(9101) MSc Electrical Power Systems(8520) MSc Accounting and Finance(8521) MSc Accounting and Man...