(email: email) end end end Faker::Config.locale = :en Faker::Internet.email = UniqueEmail 总结 处理Ruby中Faker生成的重复键问题,可以通过使用随机生成器、检查并重试、使用数据库事务或自定义Faker提供者等方法来解决。选择合适的方法取决于具体的应用场景和需求。
Faker played 12 unique champions in his 29 games, innovating mid lane Irelia, a pick that would become a relatively popular off-meta pick around the world, and Master Yi, a pick that would not. Seeded directly into the playoff finals this time, SKT easily swept KT Rolster 3-0 (Faker ...
require 'faker' class UniqueEmail def self.call loop do email = Faker::Internet.email break email unless User.exists?(email: email) end end end Faker::Config.locale = :en Faker::Internet.email = UniqueEmail 总结 处理Ruby中Faker生成的重复键问题,可以通过使用随机生成器、检查并重试、使用数据库...
# word(ext_word_list=None):随机生成词语 # words(nb=3, ext_word_list=None, unique=False):随机生成多个词语 # password(length=10, special_chars=True, digits=True, upper_case=True, lower_case=True):随机密码 # sha1(raw_output=False):随机sha1密码 8.日期时间 # am_pm():上 / 下午 # ...
# words(nb=3, ext_word_list=None, unique=False):随机生成多个词语 # password(length=10, special_chars=True, digits=True, upper_case=True, lower_case=True):随机密码 # sha1(raw_output=False):随机sha1密码 8.日期时间 # am_pm():上 / 下午 ...
example_with_tags_unique_test.go chore: fix package (#4) Sep 4, 2022 example_without_tag_test.go chore: fix package (#4) Sep 4, 2022 faker.go feat: add UserAgent faker (#57) Aug 23, 2024 faker_test.go feat: add UserAgent faker (#57) ...
faker.words(nb=3, ext_word_list=None, unique=False) # ['责任', '组织', '以后'] 在这里每个方法的参数是不同的,具体参数解释可以看源代码方法的注释:https://github.com/joke2k/faker/blob/master/faker/providers/lorem/__init__.py。
from faker import Faker fk = Faker(locale='zh-cn') # locale参数:默认是英文,'zh-cn'返回中文 # 生成不重复的数据 result_list = [fk.unique.name() for i in range(10)] print(result_list) 五、生成重复的数据 Faker.seed(11)就相当于种子,传一样的值就代表同样的种子,得到的结果就一致 from ...
Replaces the default Faker with an extended Faker instance that adds `betterUnique()` – `unique()` based on a key. laravelfakerphp UpdatedJan 12, 2024 PHP REST API secured with session based authentication. It follows standard conventions for designing RESTful web services. It is fast, relia...
'准备需要为了会员中国国家各种.的人文件客户为了工作.以后需要更多今年是一用户操作不同.\n' # '时候上海能力一定最后设备关于.如果联系政府设计学生报告为什.是一计划一些会员为什女人.'] fake.word(ext_word_list=None) # '通过' fake.words(nb=3, ext_word_list=None, unique=False) # ['当然', '...