faker会根据required是否必选来确定哪些字段是一定会生成的,哪些字段是随机生成的,如示例所示,可以看到两种不同的模拟数据。 JSF加载JSON文件 from jsf import JSF faker = JSF.from_json("demo-schema.json") fake_json = faker.generate() JSF与fastapi集成 import datetime from random import Random from typing...
安装 cnpm install faker json-serve --save-dev 在目录下创建一个模板文件 示例makeJson.jsvarfaker = require('faker')functiongenerateCustomers() {varcustomers =[]for(varid = 0; id < 50; id++) {varfirstName =faker.name.firstName()varlastName =faker.name.firstName()varphoneNumber =faker.ph...
巧⽤前端神器,fakerjs⽣成json⽂件安装 cnpm install faker json-serve --save-dev 在⽬录下创建⼀个模板⽂件 ⽰例 makeJson.js var faker = require('faker')function generateCustomers() { var customers = []for (var id = 0; id < 50; id++) { var firstName = faker.name.first...
JSON Schema Faker combines JSON Schema standard with fake data generators, allowing users to generate fake data that conform to the schema. - JSON Schema Faker
We have agitter roomfor this project, if you want to contribute, talk about specific issues from the library, or you need help on json-schema topics just reach out to us! Please take a look atthe technical documentation page. If you thinkjson-schema-fakeris adding value on what you're...
首先,您需要安装 json-schema-faker。您可以使用 npm 进行安装: bash npm install json-schema-faker 创建JSON Schema 您需要有一个 JSON Schema,描述您想要的数据结构。例如: json { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "type": "integer", "minimum": ...
Refercreate-json-server-with-multiple-files 一、工具 先介绍下需要用到的工具包: josn-server30秒内快速搭建零配置的 rest API 假数据服务器,供需要快速后端原型编写与模拟的前端开发人员使用。 faker.js一个可以生成大量假数据的工具。比如生成名字,金额, 地址等 ...
Use JSON Schema along with fake generators to provide consistent and meaningful fake data for your system. What's next? Breaking-changes towards v0.5.x API: deprecated— You will not longer be able to call jsf() and get a fully-dereferenced result. It will just generate given refs and inl...
T4(Text Template Transformation Toolkit)则是微软官方在VisualStudio 2008中开始使用的代码生成引擎,可惜T...